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Marketing is key and word of mouth is often what works best.
You'll get downloads and views if someone notices your game among the absolute pile of games coming out.  I'm a gamer and even I get completely overwhelmed at the small handful of indie projects/studios that I support, so imagine a non-enthusiast or casual person just following a content creator.

Too many games and not enough time to play them, even the AMAZING ones.  I've ended up having to severely limit what I would play and just only stick to the genres/types I know I'd like.  It sucks :(

In the NES days, it was always a mystery as to how the game would look or play or be like.  We only had the cartridge artwork to go by, maybe a black & white manual if we were lucky (sadly Nintendo the morons sued to prevent them from making copies of manuals anymore so very few are still around now; they actually tried to sue to prevent rentals altogether but lost that fight thankfully).  Weirdly enough they'd later make a deal with BlockBuster (USA) to do a promotion for Judge Dredd (on Sega Genesis/MegaDrive) and Donkey Kong Country for some 'pro gamer' tournament or other in the 90s.  I was a dummy and tried the DKC one even though I didn't own a SNES.  Just loved the game =D

That's the way it works though; people will be hesitant to do visual novels if they aren't already into them (and/or horror games) because trying something new means LESS time on other stuff.

Some suggestions if you happen to read this:

-GAME TRAILER = give me 30 seconds or less why to play YOUR game instead of others; no excuses; show us the best stuff and leave us more to want to download it for more!

-Promo = make meaningful connections with content creators that regularly make videos (e-mail ain't gonna cut it dear, sry to say) via Discord or YT business mail contact or otherwise.  Subject line is the key or they will throw it in the trash with the 1000+ other indie devs doing the same thing.  'Horror Indie Game (PC) come get scared!' might be something that catches their eye (or not).  Individualize the actual email as in you know what kind of creator they are and that takes time/effort; hanging on their discord and looking through posts/videos can also give you a shorter easier way to digest the type of creator they are.  Aim for ones that like the games you make (aka visual novels and/or horror games).

-Followup = you're kinda horrible at this but it is understandable; follow up on conversations and messages if you message someone and they respond cause being 'ghosted' for 2+ weeks (or months) feels like you don't care about their response; e-mail is terrible for this so use that fancy Discord you got :P

Matrix also works although Discord is more popular at the moment; use both!  Get a Twitter and use that **exclusively** only to tweet about you and your games and NOTHING else (srsly dont get caught up in the stupid people there).  Get a FB and do the same.  If you are unable or unwilling to do this then you will find yourself wondering why you still get no attention.

Attention is earned, not given.  Use this time with your one-armed firepower to do the best you possibly can now that you're forced against your will to take a break and stop gamedev for a bit.  Use it for other endeavors although be sure to take frequent hydration and other breaks (5 mins every hour is recommended at a minimum).  Set a timer if you forget.  You have a phone, don't you? :P

(1 edit) (+1)

"If you were in the USA you'd open carry and they'd stay the HECK away from you!"


EDIT:  This is a joke, please don't ruin the comments with a debate plz thx; laugh at the joke haha haha :)


I know what you mean because I have the same problem as a player x3 but even then, I only know about stuff if a friend tells me or if I'm searching certain tags on itch, cos I don't really do social media, so marketing via that is unlikely to reach me since I'm on it so infrequently. 

I miss game manuals! That used to be one of my favorite parts of getting a new game, haha. That's nuts about the tournament though! I had no idea they did anything like that back in the 90s :o

As always, your suggestions are solid advice, and would work wonders for 99% of people I imagine! There's just a lot there that I personally can't handle T_T

I can definitely do trailers, well, maybe more like possibly than definitely x3 I'm no video editor and I struggle with it + don't particularly enjoy it, but I managed to knock something up for A9, haha. 

The rest of the stuff I just can't do though >.< And I don't mean that in the sense that I'm incapable, because I can do it if I force myself to, BUT, (and it is a very big but x3) working on promo/marketing/social media makes me so stressed and exhausted that it actually causes me to lose all motivation for gamedev. 

I know it sounds overly dramatic, but I'm not exaggerating even a little bit :( That's how draining I find that sorta stuff. It just totally sucks all the life and passion out of me, haha. And if I try to do it to the degree that's necessary, I know I would wind up quitting gamedev completely because I just hate it that much. 

It's the same reason I'm just not on social media in general. I don't like using it to post, and I don't like browsing other people's stuff either x3 I find almost everything about social media repulsive and exhausting >.< I'm guessing my extreme aversion to it is most likely down to my ASD. I know every individual on the autistic spectrum is gonna have a totally different experience of autism, but I have a number of autistic friends who are also very social media averse, haha. And all of us communicate like penpals via email xD

It's not like I haven't tried either with Twitter and stuff, but I just can't keep it up without losing the will to continue making games >.<

It's extremely frustrating cos I realise it's a necessity in order to have any sort of success with stuff like this! But at the same time, I'm kind of used to constantly being at a disadvantage in society when it comes to pretty much everything, so I don't know why I would ever think it would be different with an online hobby like making VNs x3

It may be a little different if I were an artist because I'd be constantly sketching things and could fling them out there on social media without really saying a great deal, but I'm not, so I can't >.<

I don't even watch stuff on YouTube aside from fail compilations with my brother during lunch breaks xD So I wouldn't know where to begin with contacting content creators, and even if I did, the stress involved in contacting people would again just kill my motivation to work on stuff. And like you say with hanging out on people's discords and stuff, I just really wouldn't want to do that. I've already muted most of the servers I joined that I was actually interested in because the constant pinging of everyone else's communications just stressed me out and made me feel ill >.< I can't keep up with or stand instant chats like that. It's all too much. 

I know it must sound insane cos using stuff like that is such a normal part of a lot of people's lives, but I can't state enough how much notifications and constant updates and such to my phone makes me want to throw it out the window while I go hide in a dark cupboard x3 I find it really stressful and intrusive, which is why I keep my phone on silent and only check stuff when I feel comfortable to. A ping from something on my phone is the equivalent of being slapped in the face outta nowhere for me >.<

And again, I mean, I make a huge effort to respond to all comments on itch because, even if it takes me a while, I find the interface and way things work on itch manageable to communicate through at least :3 It wouldn't surprise me if I respond to more stuff on itch than most devs on there. But yeah, I already said how I feel about discord, and I don't think anything is ever gonna change that cos I can't help the way I am >.< email will always be the best form of communication for me.

And like I said, I've tried Twitter too x3 I despise it, haha. Composing just 1 tweet generates enough stress in me to completely exhaust me for the rest of the day and feel like I need a complete break from my PC for a day or two! 

I could never cope with any of those social media sites and apps, and it will forever remain a mystery to me as to how others manage to without feeling like they either need to sleep for a week after logging in for 5 mins, or tunnel deep into the ground and avoid all contact for the rest of the week x3

Using social media stresses me out to the same extent as things like job interviews, arguments, or moving house. 

Actually, the best way I can think of to put it into perspective using recent events is that I was less distressed having my arm broken than I am when attempting to use social media xD That is how painful I find it to try and use those platforms for promo and stuff >.< I would rather break my arm again and again every day of the week than have to try and use social media to do marketing T_T because that would actually be less painful, haha. And I'd be more likely to continue to pursue game dev with 1 arm than I would be if I constantly had to try and use social media for promo x3

I know how important of a role that stuff plays, but I'm basically unable to participate in it if I want to retain the passion and motivation to make stuff >.<

It's like no matter what I try to do in life, there are barriers :( giant, bloomin insurmountable barriers. I used to love volunteering at the animal sanctuary, but had to stop cos I was bullied by the vet students there for being the odd one out. And in jobs where you have to face customers, I try my best, even have folks who returned just to see me because I was a friendly face and took the time to speak to them when others don't (mostly old ladies, haha), but even then, I would get moaned at by managers and assistent managers for not having enough 'meaningful interactions' with customers, not pushing enough promo stuff, or failing to meet loyalty scheme sign up quotas.

It used to really bug me that they would say I was such a hard worker, and that if I just tried a little harder, I'd manage to do those things that they thought I was lagging behind on. But that's the problem, they never seem to understand that I am trying my absolute best at everything I do. The problem is that my best is just never good enough >.<


I get what you mean about social media stuff.  I also despise it personally but I see it as a tool just like anything else.  Just post something and encourage people who want updates to follow you.  Right now, if anyone wants updates they have to follow you on itch and hope that you update things.  If you had a central website of some sort then that might make it easier (promote your itch and not have to play by the rules of 'regular' social media.

It is the delicate balance of using social media as a platform to get the word out and hopefully make some money versus having social media end up using you as another user to sell advertising space via metrics and data.

It is a crutch though, just thought I'd throw it out there as a potential way for people to consider for marketing/promo purposes.
You make niche games so I'd say it may end up being that you get someone IRL you know (maybe family) to help you with the marketing stuff.


I will definitely be attempting to make a website at some point with the place you mentioned to me when I get a chance. That is something I actually can do at least :3 Just gotta wait for my stupid arm to heal up before I can really do much of anything >.<

I'm outta luck for irl help from anyone when it comes to social media though cos I don't have many people that I interact with face to face, and the family I do see (and the one irl friend that I have) are all social media averse same as me xD All of em autistic the same as me, and all refuse to even make social media accounts, haha. It's one of the reasons my old therapist put me on a waiting list for a helper cos she said it would be good to have someone who can enable me to do more in the areas that my autism restricts me. It's a proper scheme they have to help folks with ASD just get an extra helping hand, but I've been on the list for so long now without any word of if I'm ever gonna get the help that I can't actually remember how long it's been. Over 2 years at this point at the very least >.< I have a feeling its probably not gonna happen cos funding was cut for mental health services where I live. 


For those reading the convo here and wondering which free web hosting was one I'd recommend, it is this:

#notsponsored btw just saying it seems pretty good and I know many who use it without major issues; for a free web host it sure beats Geocities back in the day ^_^

As far as your other challenges, I wish you well and hope things work out.  My DMs are open if you ever decide to want to leave a message.
I appreciate the opportunity to help as many indie game devs as I can; more awesome indie games means a lot more choice in avoiding the big-budget garbage spewed by hostile hateful major game publishers that typically abuse their workers/employees.  I feel the indie gaming market may be the best way to go forward as far as supporting awesome games going forward.


I did finally check out Wix and it does seem like a really useful site for free web hosting! I didn't manage to make anything that looked decent while having a brief fiddle around with it, but I'm gonna have a proper go at it when I have the use of both my arms again, haha. It certainly looks promising :3

You're always so kind and wise! It means a lot that you made the effort to reach out to me in the first place. And you've certainly given me a lot to think about, as well as arming me with a whole bunch of knowledge I wouldn't have otherwise had :3 so I can only thank you for that!

And I totally agree with your last paragraph there! Indie stuff can be so incredible ^-^ Not just saying that cos I happen to make things, but as a player, I've found that most of the games that have given me the most enjoyment in recent years have been indie games that were either free to download or ones I supported here on itch or via Kickstarter!