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Quite loved the graphics and animations! Looks great with how the floor is shaped!

The platforming felt a bit unfair to me at some points. A few things I like to consider when working on platformers:

  • make sure the character does slide as little as possible on the floor (strong deceleration or high friction, don't know how it's called in unity :) ), so you don't slip from small platforms even if you made the jump
  • use a rectangular collision shape on the bottom of the character and on the top of the platforms, so so can't slowly slide off the corner
  • Make obstacles which damage you more visible (I hit so many spikes and the hook thing on the ceiling, because I didn't see them) -> make them have have high color contrast and large sprites (sprites can easily be larger than the the hit box)

But I have to say, the placement of the platforms felt very natural and good!

I hope this doesn't sound to negative, I really, really liked the game!!!

Great job on this entry!

we appreciate the feedback!