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First of all, congratulations on submitting such a polished prototype. This game idea has crazy potential. Without a doubt, it inspires me to think of more "paint" to create more puzzles and interactions. Any game idea that encourages that type of thinking is a great start!

I love the aesthetic. I love the sounds. I love how the world moves cleanly from Greyscale to Chroma. I love the functional puzzle design. The dialogue / inner monologue is excellent and appropriate. Great technical details like a seamless save/respawn system.

My only feedback is that it's hard to determine that the project is "on theme". I get the idea of renewing the colors, but really it's more about playing the game which happens to coincidentally change colors!

Excellent project!

Thank you so much! Really appreciate the feedback! I was originally intending to make each level have a color changing aspect, but dropped this due to approaching the deadline. If I continue to work on this, I will definitely want to emphasize that concept.