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I didn't expect to have fun but honestly i enjoyed your game, especially the difficulty. Your levels are quite well built and i never felt lost, so it's a good point ! I would just recommend to pimp up your graphics a bit with particles or animations, and also make the game a bit more clear like having marks to tell where the ghost is, or where to click to move (i died a lot because of that last point xD)

It's a good starting point in my opinion so keep it up !

Thank you! I would to try to make it better.

Also, btw, did you try the bonus level?

Yes, absolutely ! Even both bonus levels actually, and even they were a bit more difficult than the first ones, it was not overwhelming. By the way it reminds me that there is a bug in the last bonus level, the first spawn brings you very close to the finish, just so you know


(Yes.. But I was too lazy to fix it..)

Relatable xD