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A member registered Dec 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sheesh, you ate???? lol

Thx mate, I really appreciate it! I hope to continue the story soon :)

sadly i already tried that :( Seems to be a problem on my end. I'll figure it out soon enough.

Very Cozy Game! Loved the calm music and the basic premise, but it needed some sound effects. Also, I would have loved some kind of challenge or mission, but if your premise is to make a very coz, comforting game, then this is just enough! I almost fell asleep on my chair (which is not a bad thing, rarely anything has the ability to make me sleep nowadays).

Good work! Keep it up!

I really love this game! It has art, music, gameplay all packed into one! I'm not sure how you even made that in 2 days. 

Anyway, One (or two) things I don't like is how there's no option to use left and arrow buttons. This made the game nearly unplayable for me because I'm a loser who uses arrow keys xD, now for the gameplay, I'd argue it's a bit too hard, but I'm probably biased because I'm not a platformer guy. 

Good Game Overall! Keep it up, you rock :)

I think there's a problem with my device- the game just doesn't start! So I'm not gonna rate it for now, but it seems like a cool game from the outside.

Cool game with a very simple concept, but I don't see any connection to the theme! It needed just a bit more content to make it more enjoyable. Cool game nonetheless! Keep it up!

The Game's very good in general but should be harder. Everything else is fine

Sorry if I'm mistaken, but isn't this just a GDevelop template? Nonetheless, good game overall!

I will rate most games soon, dw :)

Glad to know :) Thx

Oops- Sorry x(

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Yep, all of your points are valid (and tbh quite repeated, I fixed them a long time ago lol), but i damn thought that "b" was the norm for going back, until i discovered most people use backspace- aaaand i TOTTALALLLLLY forgot about wasd, like TOTALLY, i did even put it in mind.

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Man, this was a LOT better than I expected it to be... good game! Very underrated!

Liked the movement haha

Very good game from what I checked! Deserved a lot more context, though. It took me a decent while before I knew what I actually need to do. I like art and the music here is underrated, too. The game's pretty fun, and one thing I ironically liked is the color choice. It's just so easy on the eyes, plus a font that's easy to read, that's a rare occurence! 

So yeah, the only criticism I have is context. ADD more context, maybe like some kind of tutorial? Otherwise, the game's pretty damn good!

Good game, keep it up!

i love this wtf

Very chill game, and a lot more fun than i expected haha, the vibes are pretty cool and the only actual criticism i have is that the movement is kinda rough, and i've appreciated a "line" when throwing your (rope?) like in angry bird games, that's very minor, though! Overall, it's honestly one great game! Keep it up!

Controls are pretty clearly the biggest take-back lol, most skill-requiring game i've played until now!

Damn, these controls are TOUGH. And i thought my game was hard... anyway, the rest of the game is pretty damn good, lags pretty bad, thats a me problem tho, i have trash pc. Anyway, good game, but the controls genuinely make me grit my teeth...

Very fun to play, i love the "positive" feel of it and the story is very interesting. I love the gameplay, although it would be nice if you disable the "reviving plants" upgrade after doin it once haha. Other than that, good game honestly! Charming art, fitting music, imaginative story and the game has no apparent bugs! Keep it up!

Man, this game is just madness and I love it! Reminds of cooking madness, loved that game when i was younger... Very good concept and execution, overall, very underrated game! The only actual criticism i would give is the font is kinda hard to read haha, but that's very minor!

Keep it up!!

Very good game mechanics-wise! There's no fullscreen though, please enable that in itch's settings.

Good idea, but lacking execution. (Okay that sounded kinda mean lol). Anyway, dying is kinda buggy and there's no sound at all for me. Art is actually quite good, but I couldn't see much of design because the game was kinda hard. Definitely could've been better, but good work nonetheless!


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Thank you for noticing that- but I actually already fixed it! I have a WEIRD habit of fixing after the deadline haha- but I'm glad you enjoyed the game at least! There's actually lore in the game too, i plan to make a lil game to complement that.

There are things you may have not noticed. 

These are some creative puzzles right there! Very fun to play- art is easy to look at- music is repetitive, but good enough... Yeah, a very good game! For some reason I think this game has the potential to be speedrunned, lol. I'm awful at speedrunning so I won't do that- but it definitely has the potential! The only actual criticism i have is that this font and the pallete just kinda doesn't blend- but that didn't take away the fun! Good work, keep it up!

Interesting concept, bit rushed (like there's should've some sounds, and the breathing area sometimes just doesn't work), but it's a nice concept for a game! The grey bok should've been harder to find though, and i didn't know i was supposed to press e to fix the hole- still, keep it up!


What the heck was that. About halfway through the game, this didn't even feel like a jam game. It was fun at first and all, but then after that "patch", it started to become... deep. I genuinely felt uncomfortable, and if you gave me this game about 2 years ago i would've down-right cried. For most games, I usually say "good work" or "keep it up", but for this game, im just gonna say... Thank you. There are people who genuinely benefit from this game. Again, thank you.

This is some challenging game, haha. Very fun to play, but it did lag my laptop quite bad, maybe because my laptop is damn potato though lol. Anyway, from what i was able to play before my laptop lagged, was that it was pretty challenging (in a good way), had nice graphics, sound design was good, and it was nicely polished. I REALLY wanted to continue playing, but I guess my laptop is out of that league lol 😅

So for actual criticism, I have very few. But I would've appreciated some kind of keyboard control, since my mouse is kinda bad- and also a way to lower down the graphics 😅 That aside, it's not your fault my laptop can't handle streaming. Good work! Keep it up.

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Woud've appreciated the flying time to be longer and the character is slightly too slow, but nice vibes! Definitely water-accurate though lol

Need a hint? It's an a1z26 cipher :))

Very interesting mechanics and cool vibe, really gave me this "Adventurous" feeling! The rpg elements are quite good although i would've appreciated some kind of tutorial. Can't speak much, though, because this is something MY game suffers from.

I kind of intended that, I took a lot of inspiration from "game theory", as I wanted people to research a bit more, but fair point! Thanks :)

I appreciate you saying it has good atmosphere, but what about the actual game? I know the codes and stuff was quite to decipher but well... 

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oh thats the sam mouth voice, here it is: SAM: Software Automatic Mouth (

Glad you liked it!

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the bugs can be avoided by just pressing b :) weird though, these ui bugs didn't happen for me at all. I know there are a couple, but well.

i mean... i mean ofc it's a lore-puzzle game?

underrated game ngl!