Thanks for playing and for the stream!
Yeah, getting the sound for this game was hard, especially since it plays a crucial role in the gameplay. I was going for the "Aliens motion detector" inspired thing, and for the most part I got it ok.
As for the visual stimuli, you are right, but again it's hard to balance it out between giving away the ghost's position completely, and being to subtle. For example the park ghost used to have leaves floating around the area she was in, but that was a dead giveaway. From the other hand- on the parking lot, if the ghost passes under the streetlight it shuts off... but no one ever notices it.
As for this game being a slice instead of entire cake... I can't offer you a cake right now, but I have another slice. This game you played here was the second entry in the Dick Storm series, and while the first one is not as polished, it may be still worth checking out. You can get it here: