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(2 edits) (+2)

I enjoyed this game! I appreciate how fast and fluid the controls and combat are. It makes getting to where I last left off after dying quick and painless. Though I would note that first section could use one are two check points. It's a pretty big section and could easily be broken up into 3 sections. That said, after breaking the 4 seals to get to the cat, the checkpoints became consistent, so I appreciate that. I like the story and how there are alternate ways to beating the final boss. Makes me wish some of the normal enemies has multiple ways to defeat them too. It also would be nice if there is more then one way to attack other then the basic combo. Making the slide a full attack instead of attacking at the end of the slide would help a lot for example. Still, this move set is more then satisfactory for a game of this scale.

I like what's here and makes me think you can totally make a full platformer game. I would love to play that. Though after a quick glance at your game library, it looks like you already built a universe of games with these characters.

So with that said, I would like to make a suggestion. I noticed your games so far has been browser exclusive. I would like a option to download a offline version of your game to play whenever I don't have wifi at a given moment. To add to that, perhaps you can further justify a offline version by making a collection of all your shared universe games up to this point and perhaps post if on multiple sites including and gamejolt. Assuming that's something that you want to go far. I'd be more then satisfied with some offline version and maybe a collection with some touch ups here and there. Just some food for thought.

Back to this game, there are some things I want to note. I find that there is little insensitive to fight the enemies besides from maybe getting some health. And even then, I find myself not getting enough health pickups to make up the damage I get from fighting enemies. Another way of regaining health quick, like maybe some large health capsules throughout the level would go a long way to give me more insensitive to fight the enemies. When I died towards the end of that first large section, I ended up rushing through the level and getting away with ignoring the enemies. Not gonna lie, if it wasn't for there not being much benefit to fighting the enemies, I would totally hang back and fight the enmies because the combat is legit fun! I I also want to note that the bosses, aside from that one big and powerful enemy that crawls on the ground and the final boss, can easily be brute forced. When fighting felicity for example, I ended up standing in one place for a bit and wailing on her with no consequences. I was expecting some kind of obstacle to avoid brute forcing, such as getting pushed back or staggered for example. I kinda wish there was a hard mode or something similar  to allow me to put more thought into my tactics. Overall, I love the controls and combat and I wish there was more chances for me to utilize it's potential! I could totally see these platforming controls and combat being great for speedruning and more combat focused platforming like something akin to a matroidvania, a megaman zero type of game or a river city girls type of game!

And that's it so far. I haven't broken the final boss's bell or got all the evidence yet, so maybe I'll leave a follow up comment if I go back and do that. I also plan on checking out your older games. Anyways, good job, keep following your passion and keep improving!

Thanks so much for playing, and especially for all your feedback! There's a lot of helpful stuff in there that'll help me improve future games, and possibly even this one if I end up doing significant updates. (I have a few little things planned) I have a queue of projects in my pipeline, but making a longer game is one of them. It might end up being based on this one, we'll see! Each of my games so far has been dabbling in different styles  of gameplay, graphics, etc... and seeing both what I like to work on, and what's actually feasible with my limited time.

As for downloads, a few of my older games do have downloadable versions posted! I've been running into some issues with Norton flagging them with weird stuff though, so I've been hesitant to continue posting new ones. It's probably a Norton issue, but it could be something with NW.JS too... I'm going to keep working on that though, and hopefully get back to posting standalone versions eventually. Some discord members also suggested doing a collection, and it's something I'd love to do.

If you didn't break the bell, it's possible that you are the first to achieve that ending! Ever other comment I've seen has mentioned getting the bell ending, so congrats on getting the "True" ending. As for the evidence, having 0 will alter the ending slightly, but 1-7 will all have the same effect. Each piece does have a bit of unique dialogue, but getting all 7 is mainly a personal achievement. If I had more time on the jam, maybe I would have done more with it... but I've also had the pitfall of TOO many endings in a previous game, leading to player frustration. (See my MGGJ4 entry, Camilla Pierce vs The Golden Eyed Girls)

Anyway, thanks again for playing, and the great feedback! I'll definitely be reviewing your comments again as I continue working to improve!