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I'm glad you liked it. Yes, there are a lot of mechanics that are not very common, but I'm still working on making better tutorials so this is going to get better with time.

1.) Behind the bridge with the guard. There is a pile of stone with a pickaxe icon with green outline. Interact with that icon.

2.) Right now, there is only one dynamite in the game. There will be more, but right now, you have to use it wisely.

3.) I can't check right now, but I think you need like 20000 silver and  100 renown.

Thanks for the reply, the stone mine was particularly useful, the dynamite cap is going to give me even more replayability so I can see what the other bomb paths lead to. In another note as my first ever character is a church swordswoman who ended up with as a blacksmith, I am curious if there is a planned rank-up system for both the church and the magic associated, Helena seems to mention it would take years to get to the casting stage, so that would go way past the ending of the game, also does knowledge/int increase magic damage or just the amount of "mp" to cast more magic?

Ranking up in factions is definitely planned. Full game will have eight year time limit so you will be able to become high ranking member or even leader (Only for one faction. I don't want this to be like skyrim where you can lead pretty much every faction in single playthrough).There already is a taste of this for the church. Talk to the guy in black armor who sits in front of the inn after you join the church.

New ranks for the church will teach you different kinds of magic. Not just stronger spell variations. Things like rituals or magical item creation.

INT increases your magic damage, but it doesn't influence magic from pebbles.