While testing the cutscenes on a new save file, and also trying to get more unlocks, I have been wondering what are the exact reqs to get 2 things to trigger right now and the other 2 that are more of a curiosity.
-Mr. White appearing in front of your hideout, in my last save he mentioned something about fifty kills and gave me the Bardiche but I'm not sure if thats the only requirement or there is an amount of weeks spent to get the event to occur.
-Curing the mysterious illness, currently my guess to it is having something to do with the church library or requiring a large amount of knowledge to even begin it, but I'm not sure on that end as well.
-Is there a cap to hit chance depending on weapons? A natural cap? I have fought the bandit duo with 4k dexterity and 300 swordsmanship with a long sword and I still managed to miss a hit on one of them, which leaves me wondering if you can actually have a 100% chance at hitting an enemy.
-Does ichors take a week to spawn back into the cave or is it more of a random chance? It is the most confusing resource I have farmed yet because it spawns in multiple places and never regenerates in the same place even after one week, the only certainty I have on them right now is that they always show up at the Ghoul/Fire Bloodstone cave.
As always thanks for your work in this game!