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While testing the cutscenes on a new save file, and also trying to get more unlocks, I have been wondering what are the exact reqs to get 2 things to trigger right now and the other 2 that are more of a curiosity.

-Mr. White appearing in front of your hideout, in my last save he mentioned something about fifty kills and gave me the Bardiche but I'm not sure if thats the only requirement or there is an amount of weeks spent to get the event to occur. 

-Curing the mysterious illness, currently my guess to it is having something to do with the church library or requiring a large amount of knowledge to even begin it, but I'm not sure on that end as well.

-Is there a cap to hit chance depending on weapons? A natural cap? I have fought the bandit duo with 4k dexterity and 300 swordsmanship with a long sword and I still managed to miss a hit on one of them, which leaves me wondering if you can actually have a 100% chance at hitting an enemy.

-Does ichors take a week to spawn back into the cave or is it more of a random chance? It is the most confusing resource I have farmed yet because it spawns in multiple places and never regenerates in the same place even after one week, the only certainty I have on them right now is that they always show up at the Ghoul/Fire Bloodstone cave.

As always thanks for your work in this game!

-Mr. White will appear once you get the number of kills needed. Time passed or pretty much anyhing else doesn't matter, so you can get him pretty early if you know what you are doing.

-Illness ending depends on two factors. Job ending and money you have. If you get the scientist ending or assassin ending and you get the rich variant, then you will survive the illness.

-Hit chance can never reach 100%, but reaching 99% is possible. If the stats you had are correct, then you had about 97% chance to hit that bandit. You just got unlucky. The most important stat for hit chance is weapon skill. Basicaly 6 DEX will raise your hit chance the same amount as 1 weapon skill point.

-Ichor has multiple spawn points and it takes about three weeks for it to respawn. Only one can exist at a time and it never despawns.

I'm glad you like the game. Not everyone played it long enough to get that far. 

Also, how did you get those stats so high? Did you just play that long or did you find some kind of exploit?


Yeah I just played for that long in the post-game for my first slot, to get 4k in all stats you would need from absolute zero, about 80 ancient metal pieces not counting any wellness passive bonus and workouts, since you can do infinite dungeons runs per week currently, but only train with mr white once, I just had to get a bunch of metal pieces and train with him while killing the kobolds at starting area to replenish the absurd mood loss, and even then I'm not counting the most absurd bonus with custodian strength, which snowballs your stats with the lvl% things, causing your power to really get out of hand.

And all of this can get even faster if you are not doing a "clean" run! Which means having no mutations at all, if you allow mutations then you can just abuse the sovient bunker syringe and gain even more stats on top of the training stats. I was not sure what the consequences of mutations would have in the future but for my first character I wanted to keep it "pure" as much as possible for the first slot.

2. Swordmanship/Weapon Training Overall

Ghouls + Warrior perk is 12k weapon exp per kill if solo, and if you are as strong as I was when I started fighting them, you will be one shotting them every time. And they also respawn by changing maps which makes farming them very quick and you can become a saint of your weapon very quickly through them.

3. Custodians/Lore

Probably my favorite late game thing, almost an extension of my fascination with the church, Zacharias obviously either tampered with Ichor really damn hard or he is also a Custodian himself judging by the blood stone ritual, Mr. White also being a Custodian, whoever killed the tutorial NPC and also the Custodian who invaded the kobold hideout in the leader diary. These guys are clearly up to the shadiest stuff in all of Sinathir, and Zacharias might be just about the weakest of them all right now, while being leagues above any other NPC you can recruit.

Also the way Mr. White calls you Zacharias' thrall makes me think joining the church might have not been the greatest idea in hindsight!

Also the attention to detail in this  game is nothing short of amazing! Meeting Mr. White with certain companions creates different reactions, unlocking even a stern talk with Suong. Zacharias just nodding to the man calmly is very in-character of him though. My next goal is getting 20 Quentin White kills to get his full diary entry.

(1 edit)

Yeah. Using the ichor and mutations can boost you up really fast. There will be consequences for doing this, but right now there are no disadvantages, except for some NPCs not talking to you if you are a mutant and that can be negated by wearing the church robes.

Ghouls are great right now. New players hate them because they are really strong but as you said, they become a great xp resource later on. Future versions will have something similiar to a GTA wanted level. The more ghouls you kill, the more will spawn together with stronger variants.

I'm glad you enjoy the lore, even though there is not much of it yet.

Next update will have another part of the main story. You will go with the generals through a dungeon, meet Mr. White properly and give him the letter. Then you will have to chose which main character are you going to support. This means that I will remove the old condition for meeting Mr. White but he will still reward you for killing (And I will add more reward tiers). You will just have to do the main quest for that to happen.

I've got most of the tilesets complete. I still want to make some furniture and other bits, but the bulk of the work is done.

Also, killing Mr.White 20 times will give you some more lore and more importantly, a special name. If you start a new game and name your character in that way, you will get a secret alternate begining dialogue.

Will the secret alternate intro dialogue reward me with something or is it just more lore?

You get a special item that will make you much stronger, but that's about it right now. Only the beginning is different, the rest of the game is the same.