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!! Thank you so much for your help! I hope this works for the others who were having problems. I don't have a Mac so honestly I'm not sure what you did there loL... No one else has told me about a problem like this before either so I was wondering what was wrong (usually people just forget to extract the zip file).

Thanks again for your help and wow, even an offer to translate! We can always chat in a few months (hopefully not years, cough) when the game is actually done and see if you still want to! I've done translating before so I have an idea of how much work it is...!

Either way, take care! I'm glad you like the game so much!

Mac are not used this way usually, PrincessCatie's solution is way simpler XD

I'll wait don't worry (even for years), at least I will have the time to play all the games !

Thank you, take care too !