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Amazing atmosphere! Very immersive soundtrack! Artwork is very cohesive, very scary color scheme and it pairs up perfectly with the soundtrack

My thought process at first: It seems cool, I had some trouble identifying what a charging station was at first. Then, I went back and realized it was the thing next to the green shiny flask or energy pod?

Then I was so intrigued by that cool overly complicated interface that I had to stay a little longer to figure it out. And right after I had figured that out, there was a very fast cut in perspective, that threw me off.. I wish I had more time to enjoy the battery fix... You know, after you fix something you want to see it running for a while, Idk...  maybe show another energy bar reload before going back to top view? After I finished that I understood what a charger was (the green thing) and then I saw an energy bar.

Charger looks like a baby's bottle? Calling dr. Freud.

So impressive you went from conception to execution in the time of the jam!

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for feedback)
Yeah, to be a full demo it needs to be polished.

And thanks for describing your thought process. It will help to extend game/scenes in the right way)

Art is inconsistent cause I've taken several assets from different sources. And don't have time to bring them to a single style.