True, the original title would probably have been a bit long. ^^
I do understand the logic, but if you follow that logic till the end a failed attempt should stay failed. Similar to a paper RPG where one only have one attempt and bear with consequences. Preventing players to attempt the same thing, but allowing them to try something else seems a bit weird to me. I have the same feeling with successfull attemps mind you, some rolls seem to have been saved as successful. Like the decision to ask for Lady Isabelle for a secret passageway. There was apparently no roll once passed, but here you left the possibility to pick an alternative route.
The game only crashed when i skipped the story i did read already, i ended up not doing that anymore and could finish the demo. The amount of times it happened the most was after, the erm... second choice i think, when i chose to use stealth to sneak in the manor after the majordomo said the MC was not on the list. As long as one doesn't start anew a billion time to get to see all the alternative paths/skill gains and/or get all the rolls to be successfull there should not be a problem of stability.