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Good core for a game. I would recommend more combat options to make things more tactical, I felt like my only option was to walk up to a bad guy that blocked my path, attack until he was dead, then die after a couple bats. It looks good though, a unified visual style. I think with more time you could build a very good game on these bones.

Yes,  more combat options would definitely help. Originally, I wanted to have consumables that could be used during combat, but I over-scoped the project and ended up running out of time. And thank you for complimenting the "unified" visual style; that's something I want to improve on with future projects. Funnily enough, all the world geometry (corridors, the enemy, the sword, etc.) are all prototype-placeholders that I meant to go back and touch-up. 

Again, thanks for playing. I really appreciate the feedback, as well.