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Unfortunately I couldn't get this game to run. 

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I think this may be because it is a 32 bit binary, but I am not entirely sure. I installed libxcursor-dev to no avail, I already had the libxcursor1 library

Oh I am sorry, I forgot to mention this known issue on my page. In short, the game is built as a 32-bit binary; however, on 64-bit linux OSes one needs to have the 32-bit equivalent libraries for this to play (libXcursor etc.). I have also updated my page with the commands you need to run on the shell of a 64-bit linux OS to play this and also presenting them here.

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get install multiarch-support
sudo apt-get install libxcursor1:i386
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx:i386
sudo apt-get install libopenal1:i386

Hopefully, you'll be able to play now :) and thanks for checking my game!


Thank you kindly for your help getting the game to run, I managed to beat it on my second attempt. 

It was a bit of a puzzle, but I eventually figured out that you need to save up two fountains to get past the conga line of shades to get the magic sword.  Unfortunately, only two of my party members survived to be victorious.

Overall I liked the game, the aesthetic was definitely one of a classical dungeon crawler, well done on that. The duality concept was appropriate with the alternative dimension of evil. 

I wish the game was a little bit longer, or had more to do but I understand the time constraint. My only technical gripe was the text log which scrolled a lot slower than I could read, but that's of no consequence anyway. 

Glad that you were able to play :) I made a note to fix these lib issues once and for all.

Yep., you need to save one or two wells close to the boss, in between that nasty spinner :) Truth is, I had plans to make it around 10 maps with multiple items to gain but the time catch up on me and had to fix other, more urgent issues.

My intention was just that, look and feel of a classical crawler, although with a lighter take. I really wanted a game that mostly run on-itself on combat and you're only responsible for exploration, finding items and brains. For the more classical cRPG look and feel, I scratch that itch with my other game The Darkness Below :)

Yep, I have a lot feedback on the slow event text scrolling.. that was really a consequence of the deadline :( Definitely will improve that !

Thanks for trying it out, man!