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(1 edit) (+1)

So have played trough the first floor.

That bird sage/cleric birdo was not that strong, though it helped i was level 5 lol

Anyways some things I do want to add:

Sage feels weak. Maybe move the missile spell earlier and the first buff later. Additionally, maybe add in the description what stat a class favors.(I was playing a sage/elementalist with scholar training as the main char sage was only once useful in combat and i only deciphered one thing)

Now lets go to elementalist. Its a good class, but it does have too many abilities, which should be spread out more. Or make it obvious, how they gain spells only at level xxx. Maybe some book about that somewhere? Just for the earliest stages.

The second was a healer/warden deal. Wasn't all that useful.

The third was a warrior/soldier/adventurer cross. Fighter and warrior seemed really weak. (Adventurers light ability tough.... godly. Useful. :D )

The fourth was a hunter/and i think saboteur.  Ngl for a "melee" class this early one of the best options when you have a decent sage cause it synergizes with the speed up very well during the boss fight.

Now i like that we encounter merchants and wandering cleric troops. If possible, more such encounters would be nice. Maybe even bandits that are slightly stronger, which you can avoid fighting if say pay with gold, and so on.

Have a good one.

Edit: Not aware on how far this counts as "i dont want to change anything" but i put this out anyways. lol I will certainly say that that is already far better fleshed out than previous deals. xD


Thanks for giving it a go!   I do still appreciate comments and feedback so you can always say how you feel about it even if I don't end up changing much.  That being said though...I'm still tweaking things as I go along and each time I play through it I change a little here and there to tighten things up. so there will still be minor changes here and there throughout but nothing major will be changed (with MAYBE the exception of the battle system.)

 Keep in mind this is just the first floor so some of the classes that seem weak now will "blossom" and be useful later on, especially when enemies get to use more area control attacks, debuffs, and ailments.   There will also be more 'checks' for Decryption in further Levels.  The way it's "weighted" is that the beginning skills will be weaker overall and it builds to stronger and better skills over time.   That does remind me that I need to make a Skill Tree text file so people can plan their classes out.  I wanted to include one in game and I might still do that and put it in the 'Lore' Book.

It's kind of subtle but in general the first 3 classes are considered 'Warrior' types, the next 3 are considered 'Rogue' types, the next 3 are considered 'Mystic' types, and the last 3 are considered 'Scholar' types.     I do agree with your assessment that there can be better explanations for the way things work for the classes.  I'll likely add some more information in the 'Lore' Book about these things along with maybe a full Skill Tree for each class.  Not sure when that part will be done but maybe with the next update or the update after.

 I still do need to finish making hybrid skills as I'm not done with those yet but will make sure they are by the time Level 3 is done so people can go the paths to get the hybrid skills they want.      

Elementalist was a little tricky to work with because he uses the 6 'natural' elements,  so in order to make sure it's understood that they are on equal footing I had to have the option where they can learn all 6 in one 'chunk.'  If I spaced them out, but they have the same power, then it wouldn't make sense to have one take longer to learn than another.  I just left it open to where the player can choose which elements they want to learn first and last.  I could make it where some are stronger than others but with enemies having elemental weaknesses it would mess with that balance quite a bit.   

The way it's balanced now, although one can't tell from just playing Level 1 and not having access to the database, is that if a character focuses on one tree they will learn all the skills for that tree by the time they get to about Experience Level 28-32.  If they want to 'multiclass' then IF they get all the possible ways to get bonus LP throughout the game then they can learn all skills for 2 skill trees by the time they are about experience Level 48-50.  Level 50 is the max Experience Level in this game so it's theoretically possible to master 2 classes by the end of the game.  This does not take into account 'hybrid skills' yet so that will vary a bit as well and will likely need retweaked some later on.  

Yeah, I like the wandering merchants and knight/clerics too!  There will definitely be more types of those, and a neat one in store for Level 2 if you encounter it.  There will also be, like you stated, bandits (Syndicate heavies), that go through a process like what you envisioned.  They will be more saturated in the mid levels and there will be some story that explains why in a cutscene after Level 2.  

As of now Level 2 is about 75% (re)done so I'm hoping that Level 2 and the next update will be released within a week.  It SHOULDN'T break old saves but I'll know for sure when I play through it when it's complete.  

Thanks for playing and the feedback.  Take care. and have a good day


Hello there.

It certainly seems like a promising dungeon crawler.

Had hoped to be able to "master" at least 3 classes but i can live with 2 =P 

Will check in than and now. Maybe not for every little update but yeah.

Also might I ask if you plan to add more training methods for "mixed" class users? Like for an example trainings you can unlock if you say have x2 scholar and x2 mystic? For people that want to cross such paths?

Yeah i love wandering troops that aren't just the boring same deal. The Merchant mid battle was cool especially... (Though robbing him could be even cooler. Albeit bad if done too often....)

Have a good one.


Thanks again for the support.  It motivates me to work on this more often and to try to make it the best I can.  

The idea for mixed class characters for your example is that you can place that 1 point in any of those each level.  So the mixing can already occur with those 4.  For instance I have a "Paladin" type character in one of my playthroughs and he alternates between Warrior Training and Mystic Training every other level so he can still be kind of tanky but also adept at healing using the SPI stat bonus that the Mystic Training gives him.  That's one example of a mix. but there are many other combinations possible.  

During some of my "blind" work that was never published I had experimented with just sticking all the stat gains to the 12 classes but it became very convoluted and most of them overlapped or some had to have too OP stat gains that the balance was terrible so I had to narrow it down and then had to devise a way to get stats to characters but to do it in a way that still gave them some freedom and not too rigid or not too "free" like the old way where you could break the game by distributing stats a certain way.   Long story short...the end result was this so I don't plan on adding more of the "trainings" as mixing those can still get the desired effect you're looking for like my Paladin example above.  When you start getting access to crafting "seeds" that will give you a more fine tuning options if you want to tighten things further.  

During my experiments I wanted to make the game as "Western" RPG as possible kind of like Pathfinder and games like that where you COULD steal from NPC's and such and have reputations with the different factions and key people but ultimately decided against it as it was a lot of extra eventing  and plugin work  and not to mention the insane amount of dialogue trees and in the end I wanted the game to be a little simpler overall but it definitely was considered at one point.    

Thanks again.