Hey, thanks for playing and I really apreciate your critigue. I also remade the game because of whacky game jam code and I also keep working on it. I also made the jump a little less floaty already, I like how it is now, but I may increase the fall gravity a bit more. I personaly think that it should be at least a little floaty so you can time your actions better while falling. I also plan to make an Input map where you can make your own keybinds (however the current keybinds with the right hand just on the arrow keys worked pretty good for me, but yeah different hands and different keyboards i guess). There also is controller support. More levels (also with different mechanics using the 4 directional actions) and a chapter system thing will also be there.
I just retried it, and I felt the controls were already a lot more usable. Either the update to the jump had a good effect, or it is just me being properly awake this time around. I still have a bit of an issue with the jump, but I can't pinpoint it.
When I originally referenced the jumps floatieness I think I was referring to how you speed up and slow down. Though I am no longer of that impression.
About the keybindings, yeah rebindeable is the best. But when writing that I was also under the assumption that using arrow keys was more common, but after playing some more titles I've found enough games that do it the same way that I am now searching for a quick key remapper. There's just too many games here that don't have the time to implement a remapper and too many that disagree with me on optimal keybindings, so I should find a workaround on my side.