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A member registered Feb 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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My biggest criticism is that I could not cleary see where my mouse is. I would consider changing the cursor to something darker so it won’t “dissapper” in the light background of the game. Pretty fun and challanging though and great art.

sweet game! 

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Oh, you think so? Thanks!!

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Thank you. I also think it should be a little more faste pace in general (thx Zapccs^^)

Yeah, sounds like a goos idea <3

Thanks so much!! <3

Thanks for pointing out those issues ^^

The first problem only happens in the web, so I noticed it way too late. But I think I can just use a RessourcePreloader node in the game scene, so it would lag when the game starts, abd not during gameplay.

For the second, I think it would be a good to idea to apply some knockback to enemies when they hit the player so they dont get stuck inside you like this.

Thank you for your feedback. And yeah it maybe needs a little balancing ^^

Thank you guys so much!

Hey, thanks alot

Thanks for your feedback. 

I dont really know what I could do about that other than making a web build.

Also sounds like a great Idea! (I'll maybe do something like that)

Yeah, nevermind. That one room really hits

Oh, did you actually beat it?

Congratulations your better at my game than me :)

You actually beat it? Thats  so cool, I didn't expected that anyone would beat it ecause I haven't beaten it after hours of trying.

Thanks alot :D

Oh god, thank you so much.  Seeing a meme about your game feels so awesome <3 <3 <3

I'm also pretty proud about the music .

The thing is, I couldn't even beat it.

I actually thought about a way to choose your formation but I didn't had the time to come up with something other than monsters following you in the fight <3

Hey, thanks for trying to try this game :) I'll probably uppload a web version after the voting ended. I think I cant upload anything during that.

And I also need to fix this game because it's way to difficult, probably impossible, wich is sad because I love the ending.

That was a really fun game. I wonder if there is a way to actually save him. I experienced a bug where I got the Cuteness Overload ending over and over when starting a new run, I just needed to restard the game. It's nice that I didn't loose my endings. I got 12 endings.

Well I think I might confused you (or me) a bit ;) I’m making like a new version of the game and I think I gonna make a new page for it when it’s ready. So there was no update to the game on this page. So I think you was more awake this time :D

Really cool level design, got stuck on the last level for a little time.

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Hey, thanks for playing and I really apreciate your critigue. I also remade the game because of whacky game jam code and I also keep working on it. I also made the jump a little less floaty already, I like how it is now, but I may increase the fall gravity a bit more. I personaly think that it should be at least a little floaty so you can time your actions better while falling. I also plan to make an Input map where you can make your own keybinds (however the current keybinds with the right hand just on the arrow keys worked pretty good for me, but yeah different hands and different keyboards i guess). There also is controller support. More levels (also with different mechanics using the 4 directional actions) and a chapter system thing will also be there.

Ok, verstehe, so kann mans an der Stelle auf jefen Fall auch machen.

Thanks for your words and feedback. You could click on the “playground” button in the main menu to play around with some stuff, that’s where I tested the mechanics too.

Cool that you like it. I will actually make the “Hold space” (I assume you meant that) more clear in the future.

Mega dass es dir gefallen hat. Im letzten level soll man denn Ball nach vorne werfen und dann in den Ball reindashen, mich würde interessieren was du, wenn du’s anders gemacht hast, statdessen gemacht hast. Und dass mit den ‘hold space’ werd ich irgendwie deutlicher machen.

Es ist aber auch kein leichtes spiel. 💜

Thanks for you reply. Celeste actually was kinda an insparation. In that level you gotta hold space when you fall on the ball, then you will grab and bounce off of it, i probably make that more clear because its a unusual mechanic. And you can use arrow keys and enter in zhe menus.

Danke für die worte 💜

Basically you need to hold space when you jump on the red ball laying on the spikes, than you bounce off of it and grab it.

Durch gegner zu dashen fühlt sich ziemlich gut an. Und diese Font passt zwar Samurai zeug ist aber wirklich schwer zu lesen (bin paar mal gestorben weil mir das entziffern zu fiel Zeit gekosted hat 😅).

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Got 426 points in hard mode, Its a really great and polished feeling game but hard mode is literallly so much easer than easy mode in my opinion. Because you got more space to avoid unmatching dices coming close together and you have more dices to predict more.

Good game i got to where the palms are

Oh ok that makes sense.

Cool game, i dont know if its intended but it wasa bit like a rage game to me lol.

Got an 8490 highscore. I like the lucky block idea

Got fully upgraded cube. Nice concept but hard to control sometimes.

I really liked the game. The only thing is that the wall jumps in level 2 felt a bit weird or I didn't get them.

Nice little game, my highscore is 2805

thank you for you review, yes i am about to make it a ful game. Also thanks for the little point of critique, I will make some indikators like an arrow and an X so that the player should understand more easy what to do