My biggest criticism is that I could not cleary see where my mouse is. I would consider changing the cursor to something darker so it won’t “dissapper” in the light background of the game. Pretty fun and challanging though and great art.
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Thanks for pointing out those issues ^^
The first problem only happens in the web, so I noticed it way too late. But I think I can just use a RessourcePreloader node in the game scene, so it would lag when the game starts, abd not during gameplay.
For the second, I think it would be a good to idea to apply some knockback to enemies when they hit the player so they dont get stuck inside you like this.
Oh god, thank you so much. Seeing a meme about your game feels so awesome <3 <3 <3
I'm also pretty proud about the music .
The thing is, I couldn't even beat it.
I actually thought about a way to choose your formation but I didn't had the time to come up with something other than monsters following you in the fight <3
Hey, thanks for playing and I really apreciate your critigue. I also remade the game because of whacky game jam code and I also keep working on it. I also made the jump a little less floaty already, I like how it is now, but I may increase the fall gravity a bit more. I personaly think that it should be at least a little floaty so you can time your actions better while falling. I also plan to make an Input map where you can make your own keybinds (however the current keybinds with the right hand just on the arrow keys worked pretty good for me, but yeah different hands and different keyboards i guess). There also is controller support. More levels (also with different mechanics using the 4 directional actions) and a chapter system thing will also be there.