Thank you for playing through the whole thing!
Ye, combat meant to be more kiting and and dodging, but we had to cut so much of what we were planning to do with it, that it had to stay simple weaving instead. Learned a lot from how to balance tight time limit in a jam though!
About cyber space - you was completely right! The rune on the card (and on the floor leading to the correct room enterance) is the safe rune. What confuses people is that machine wasn't teleported to the start location after finishing sequence as we were planning. You stand at the end of previous puzzle and "safe" runes removed from the ground for the solved puzzle to allow passage for the next. We could be a tiny bit more clear about 'walls' opening after terminal access. Maybe some animation and clearly teleport out from long puzzle routes - they a bit long.
We now got a playthrough video up of on main page of the game, so people can watch how it was played by us (without speedrunning!), maybe that would help for now, since we can't fix explanation inside the game..
Thank you again!