if I complain about the wrong downloads that come from the Middle East, It isn’t because I am racist, I know that not everyone has a great lack of knowledge, is because more and more wrong downloads of PC games in Android that are coming from that region almost daily.
But nevertheless, from the second paragraph of your comment, you are telling me very interesting things worth admiring. The wording changes & warnings in download pages, is something that I had done before you told me, I have put them in the descriptions of Youtube gameplays, in my weebly page and here in itch.io, but no matter how detailed the warning it that saying "the game is intended for Windows and not for Android", always there will be the one who ignores such requirements to be able to play such a game before downloading them, and because of him it doesn’t work because he downloaded it in the wrong way by his fault.
In the case of the wrong arab downloads, all came from IndieDB, and they already said in their profile that the game was for Windows or Mac platforms, and they didn’t want to pay attention to this detail, and they committed the same error to download it wrongly on their Android phones again and again just by changing the words in the google search engine to find the same game.
In short, this type of technological illiteracy cases obviously can’t be controlled, nor is there an official institution on how to properly download the software for each operating system in an orderly manner (which would urgently need it), you can tell me to try to be more respectful and patient, but I don’t intend to ignore this type of case in case I'm interested in showing it.