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Wow this was really fun! The combat felt really solid and visceral, and the typing hacks mid combat was really fun (Though I did discover that its easier to just type in a hack in advance before entering combat). Only real complaint is that you have to click in and out of the hack typing box which makes transitioning in and out of combat a little bit clunky.

I think there was a password I missed, since I couldn't break the shield of the orange butler at the end. I ended up just luring him out and slipping past without getting trapped by combat.

I did maybe encounter a bug where the map scrolled off screen while I had it closed, since the map no longer appeared when I pressed M and any notes I created immediately began scrolling to the right and off the screen. I probably closed the map while holding an arrow key or something

(1 edit)

Glad you enjoyed it! The map glitch is something I'll definitely have to look into and fix after the jam is over.

As for the password for the orange butler, it's part of what is the game's only puzzle! If you look at the notes around the area there are hints. If it's not clear enough I'll just tell people though. The way you got past him is totally valid though.