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What a chad move of making a multiplayer game for a gamejam! I'm actually impressed that you managed to make it work!

I've played with 3-4 of you for a while and it was really fun! (I was blue btw)

Great artstyle, chill music, MULTIPLAYER... Just incredible. I hope you will share your code later (or at least multiplayer library you used if not created youself), because it's just awesome!

Bevy spacewar go brrr...


I was Green! Thanks for hopping in and playing - Made our day :) 

Code Here:


I was red! Thanks for playing! We used bevy_replicon for the networking which is a really new library for Bevy:
Worked with them to fix several bugs during the jam and they were super responsive. Would highly recommend!


Thank you! I will look into it!
Had a blast playing with both of you!
(Also, input can be made a bit more sane)