First of all, thank you for playing and leaving feedback! I'm so happy that you liked it! :)
Good points you have there, let me reply to them:
Controls tutorial - you're absolutely right, I was thinking about doing special tutorial section where you could learn through gameplay, but it consumes time and effort and I couldn't wait forever with releasing this early demo, so I've chosen to make only an in-game compendium and text signs in battle. Definitely will do that later!
I'll note your point about the ship, it's interesting. However, I need to think more about if implementing it will fit nicely with what I want to add to King of Deadlands later. Maybe, maybe... :)
Regarding art - I'm really happy you like the effect of my efforts! The graphics are to be reworked in the near future, I will focus on that first. The thing with many of them is similar to control tutorial - I had to make them in fairly short amount of time. First things to change are Lesser Artifacts, units and "dead" parts of a map (which are just greyed out places now).
Thank you very much for such a constructive comment, I hope you will play it again sometime!