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Are these bots run by the dev? I just realized there are alot of players with names created using the same naming convention in the daily ranking. Prefix + first name + last name + a number. These guys usually lead the daily ranking but are no where to be seen in the event rankings. I mean it can't be a coincidence so many people are naming their accounts in the same manner

Yep, I mentioned this before (215 days ago)
and still nothing has been done about it:
"7) There are so many "new players" with fake accounts/names.
No-one is going to join this game and call themselves "MissMaryNichols64" or some other real name
even if it's in French, Dutch or whatever language you choose.
(real name, real surname, 13, etc. )
There are now 100s of these accounts, which are obviously fake"
@Hooligart, it's obvious that you're cheating us. Please stop.

Deleted 1 year ago

I think these are programmed in a way so that they wont appear in top 100 of the event ranking. These two bots stopped climbing at 5750. They were climbing steadily and then stopped. The current event 100th place is 5,850.