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A member registered Jul 13, 2022

Recent community posts

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Colosseum and world bosses will be reverted to the previous rotation but the changes to rewards will not be reverted. That's my guess lol

the feet of the common girl Barbelo are nasty, please change it to normal human feet. what were your artists smoking lately. not long ago the mythic girl monica in a purple set had flesh exposed on part of her bodies before it was patched. designs like these are vomit-inducing. this is a porn game, not a horror game.

Dude... fix your game. your update has no sense of balance. colosseum is a joke, grindy as f for trash rewards, opponents level are all over the places - i just got a player with 22.2k hp and a full light perks deck as a L5 opponent. We all know mofos with that type of build ain't L5. That was my first time seeing that kind of stats in L5 opponents and I'm sure it wont be the last.

@hooliart: The rare card Kristinda in the snow maidens set (red) isn't charging correctly when paired with other red cards that reduced gems required by 3, and begins the battle with 3 gems charged. Kristinda would have start with 3 gems charged but would still need a total of 6 gems to use her special. Not sure about the other cards in the snow maiden set. Please fix.

again not a single f is given.

@hooliart: The rare card Kristinda in the snow maidens set (red) isn't charging correctly when paired with other red cards that reduced gems required by 3, and begins the battle with 3 gems charged. Kristinda would have start with 3 gems charged but would still need a total of 6 gems to use her special. Not sure about the other cards in the snow maiden set. Please fix.

What a cluster fxxk of an event lol

I basically only use colosseum to complete the silver quests in the event. Other than that the rewards aren't really worth the time. I have most of the cards and can probably get pretty far if I try but i certainly am not going to make playing colosseum my second full time job for those rewards. This mode is as good as dead to me.

the kill 25/45 event monster quests need some heavy grinding. i used to buy gems but not anymore after the recent update, not giving them my money. i use the gems to complete the gold quests. then you need some luck for the get 15 event mythic card quests. normally if i dont get the event mythic cards from the event chests or the butt pass mythic chest, then i wont be able to complete the event.

That's a good idea.

Someone above also suggested a one click button that automatically unequips all toys then equips the cards you chose for the next colosseum with the best toys.

These will be major quality of life improvement especially after the recent colosseum changes that made the mode unbearable.

However I doubt the dev cares.

yea if I remember it was like 1,200 for beating any league 1/dirty league player if you have x300% bonus. Now it’s just about 500. Hope they eventually realize how tedious colosseum now is, and revert the changes, or at least adjust it to be less grindy.

Not sure how this works, but sometimes after the event is over, I still have access to the event shop for one last time, but sometimes I don't.

What was fixed?

Not to mention their fake accounts that are in the daily rankings...

Nerfed all the rewards, replaced keys with booster packs but stuffed all the top placements with their fake accounts so the real players can't get anything meaningful. FFS in the current daily bracket im in, 7 out of the top 10 players are their fake accounts.

this is a proof that the devs don’t play their game and have no idea of balance. I mean, come on, any one of these changes significantly reduce the playability of the mode and they made ALL three changes. 

 1) increasing the points needed for each level,

2) decreasing the points awarded by each win,

 3) significantly nerfing the rewards from each level. .

Basically now we need to complete the colosseum 4 times to get the same rewards compared to before the changes; then completing colosseum each time also requires much more time compared to before. I suppose most people that play this game have jobs, who the heck would want to spend the time to grind the new colosseum. May as well just delete the mode if they don’t want people to get any meaningful rewards from it.

exactly… the butt pass has become pointless except you buy the premium pass, otherwise there’s no point completing it; colosseum has become a grind fest with trash rewards that are not worth the time commitment (seriously who the f wants to see the repetitive battle animation over and over again); they have run out of ideas for perks, instead of redesigning/rebalancing the perks they are giving new cards the same old perks; no new game modes, the pit was revealed over a year ago and still not accessible; what the hell happened to cosmic maidens? Is there still only one maiden that can be upgraded to cosmic? Seems like a feature that was launched half ass and then given up on.

oh they are checking, but they are just ignoring everything the players said.

They increased the doubles in the paid pass and nerfed the free toys to the ground. The free toys are garbage and not worth using unless you have the doubles to level them up. This is their yet another attempt to make the game unplayable for f2p players. I'm a small occasionally gem buyer but I don't pay for the premium pass. Now I won't spend another penny on this game.

I agree with this suggestion. it will be a great improvement to quality of life and will make colosseum bearable. it was very time consuming even before the changes because of the need to manually change the toys. After the change it feels like the reduced rewards are not worth the time to grind unless there's a way to reduce the preparation time for the battles.

"Selection of opponents in the Tower slightly changed, on low Leagues became easier. In Leagues 1 and 0 became a little more difficult."

In league 2, the opponents used to have 21k-23k hp. Now they range from 21k-50k+ based on the few games I played. That's a big increase. Maybe it's easy for veteran players who have accumulated a lot of toys and viagra. But it will take new players much longer to reach high league compared to before especially with the nerf of the toys.

Please revert these changes. You are trying to balance the existing game modes around end game players that have lots of toys and girls but at the same time making it impossible for newer players. If the game is too new-player-unfriendly, it will die when the veteran players quit because you can't attract new blood.

The dev doesn't know their game is actually boring. The old content has become easy for veteran players because of the time and effort spent on this game. Instead of creating new modes to make the game challenging and interesting for veteran players, they decide it's a good idea to nerf toys and make existing modes much more difficult for the veterans, and impossible for new players. What's the point for veterans to continue to play knowing that when we grind enough to make the game mode easy again, you'll just pull the same shit move to make the SAME game modes impossible again. Please fire the project manager and hire another person that has some basic concept of game making.

This is the dev's another attempt to make the game to be unplayable for F2P, but at the same time, it seems like it's making it difficult for paying players also, just like the way they messed up with last year's update.

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Nerfing the damage value of the first 5 toy sets to the ground is dumb. Now the mythic ones only give 15 damage bonus. They are garbage.

Also, I hope you don't mean the base bonus of the toys starting next event will be similar to that of the first 5 toy sets, and will require leveling up with doubles, which are gated behind the butt pass, in order to be relevant. 

These changes will be a big slap in the face for f2p players.

Anyone else's anti virus going crazy when playing dirty league? This just started happening this event.

Hooligart whatever you are up to please stop.

suggestion - hire a more competent programmer and fire the current one. There are issues at launch in almost every event. I’ve never seen shit like this in any other games I played.

Looks like the dev botched the launch again.

The tower butt pass is amazing. I hope it replaces the event butt pass going forward. A rotation like Tower butt pass > repeated girl event > the pit > tower butt pass > brand new girl event would be great.

The girl event and event butt pass combo is very grindy and it can cause a burnout if it happens every week if you don't want to miss out.

How does everyone think about the tower butt pass?

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In the tower how come the League 3 opponents cannot be skipped? If you play a L5 or L1/Dirty League opponent, the L3 opponent is still the same and you have to beat him to see another L3 opponent. Also the first L3 opponent is always wwww14, then the next one is DickLikeAss, then Lightall... why are these guys special?

looks like there wont be one for another 7 days since the tower butt pass just started.

better delayed than started with game breaking glitch. We can wait. 

I thought the enemy levels are based on the max league you achieved in the last season... or is it based on the max league you've ever achieved?

In the past I remember dropping league so I get easy players in the colosseum, but since I reached L1, this doesn't seem to work anymore. Now I can only choose from L5, L3 and Dirty League level players. It's unplayable.

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@hooligart at this rate you should just restart the event tomorrow, so people have full seven days for it. Launching the event when you can't even fight the first monster and then having us wait half a day for your dev to fix is ridiculous

oh nice - you can't even fight the first event monsters. Good job as usual Hooliart. Now we wait till next morning for the Dev to wake up to fix it without extending the event timer.

Suggestion - the chance that this will be read is remote but here goes.

Please implement an option to choose which stage of a girl's artwork to display and to disable the nude animation when an ability is used. I.e. stage 1 clothed > stage 4 nude. It will make it easier to log in to play a few matches during the day at work.

Also for the stage 4 art, please make them all nude without any accessories, shoes, etc.

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Dear Hooligart, if you missed the original start time of the event, delay it for 24 hours, not start it in the middle of the day without any announcement and not extend the event.... have some common sense for god's sake.

Lol Again the scheduled event did not start.

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ICYMI - since the introduction of the butt pass, now there are bots that use names like "guestxxxxxxx", which is the naming convention for newly created accounts. There are lots of them. Same as those bots with names like "prefix.firstname.lastname.number". These new bots are configured to not surpass the global 100th player so you will not see them in the global event ranking. They are always a couple hundred points after the global 100th player. I have been following the scores in my daily bracket. The "guest68081672" never surpassed the global 100th all day. The screenshot below was taken when the global 100th was 16,600.

This explained why some of the regular players' event ranking dropped significantly in the last event where the butt pass was introduced. There weren't more players playing, there were just more bots you are competing against now.

I refuse to spend any more money unless they do away with the bots. I started spending a little money and there were a few times I almost got 1st place in the daily ranking, then I stopped after I realized I was competing against tons of their bots. Ridiculous.

Yes I usually get the common and rare cards at the end of the event. This time my ranking dropped about 400 so I only got the common cards. I highly doubt there are so many more people playing just because of the new butt pass especially when they rolled it out so unexpectedly after a week of no event/announcement.

wth are there more bots in the game now? My usual ranking is around 400-500 and I usually am able to complete 44 out of the 45 event quests. This time I was ranked around 900th....