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OK, the problems I submitted in the past have been fixed, and there are very few bugs this time. But I found some very small problems

1. As shown in the picture, in a room before the wolf king, you take off the disguise before if you accidentally pressed the W (forward), triggering the notepad to fall, you will be stuck in this state of light effects

2. Milk pudding will still put your camera up, if you stand on top of it, and can not recover . Better cancel the collision volume of the milk pudding and set it to be triggered by movement, like that cat latex

3. Women's black latex seems to be missing the TF after the review animation, or I remember wrong

4. Office of the second storage point, the second around the circle at the black latex, the newly added latex points need to be micro-adjusted to the two sides, for 3D or mouse, keep walking in a straight line, the passage rate here is a little low (for example, I tried 10 times just through 3 times)

I'm glad you actually added the ventilation tube movement system, which is almost invisible inside other latex games, which makes me really happy. Here are my suggestions for the future, you can do it now, but I prefer you to do it when you have everything ready

1. For this system I don't think you need to put much thought into it, because this system doesn't do much for the whole human story (of course, only for human lin). In my own plan (but because it's very trivial and I don't have that ability to make it), this system is for the future custom story of latex lin.

2. Latex TF vs. non-latex TF

This is a detail that I thought of and immediately wanted to tell you about. Brown werewolf TF is not latex, it is a kind of organic transformation, that is, direct transformation from human to werewolf, the back story, the poison gas, Dr. K shot at lin's transformation bullets, green crystal transformation and some items transformation are all in this category. They do not have the characteristics of latex, but compared to humans have their own unique place (or both human characteristics, can pass some human detection)

3. whether to retain human consciousness, memory, genes

This is what I thought of when I noticed some conversations today, and what I know is based on the pupil of the eye to distinguish

Completely unchanged pupil, or human lin's blue pupil with a white background - human consciousness, memory, and genes are present

blue pupil, but the color of the under eye changes - latex mixed human consciousness (possibly a new consciousness), with their own memories and latex, human genes are also present, can pass the machine that requires human verification

Half blue pupils, all other changes - only latex consciousness (completely controlled), only human, latex memories, human genes are present, can still pass human testing, but usually not willing to leave their "transformation site"

Completely changed pupils - this part of the eye in addition to the sponsor's latex image, usually only memories and human genes, completely changed a "human"


The transformation of K shooting lin is already hypnotized and belongs to the third type

Hive white latex is only retained memories, nothing else will be retained

(1 edit)

Hello hawkwk, welcome back!

I've noted down the things you found and will start working on them soon, thank you!

Wow!! You blew my mind with those details, It didn't occur to me that there was Latex and non-latex monsters and that the consciousness level was determined by the type of eye! These gave me some interesting ideas..

I will probably make a system or develop more mechanics on the "Latex" and "Non-latex" monsters, and will adjust every TF's eyes accordingly depending on the Consciousness level.