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Ey this is pretty neat. I really love all the lore implications xD

There's not much I can say about it tho, it's just a very competent game that also happens to be way too simple, so it's really hard to come with any critiscism, aside from how easy it is to get lost as most people already pointed out.

The only nitpick I have, wich trust me when I say it is super nitpicky, is that the other palletes actually invert their colors instead of inverting their tones. Like, just when I started I already choose to play with the bright blue pallete because it looked neat, but as soon as I used the shift for the first time it became a whole other color instead of just shifting the shades of blue, wich was a bummer, so I went back to basic B&W since it's the only pallete that inverts in a way that feels right.

Also, I think I figured out when exactly the super jump happens. I think it triggers because you enable the jump button a little before actually touching the ground whenever you're pulled into another planet, so if you jump at that exact moment the jump maintains the speed of the gravity pull. That's only my theory tho.


Appreciate the thought out review! I mainly ended up turning it into a sort of love letter to the rest of my projects, which probably wasn't the best idea but I ended having a lot of schoolwork and that was the easiest way to fill in some content.

Yeah, I can definitely understand that nitpick! The only reason that the main palette looks like it swaps colors is because of the fact that they're already perfect opposites (#000000 and #ffffff), and I didn't have enough time to figure out a proper animation to transition between two specific colors. I'll make sure to look into it!

Yeah, there are a couple pixels before you hit the ground where it allows jumping. However, I never add the jump velocity or flip the velocity or anything, I simply reset it to the constant jump velocity when the player jumps, which is why I've been having a hard time figuring the bug out, since I haven't found any "special cases" where that might happen. Thank you for your theory! I'll take a look into it anyways!