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(1 edit) (+1)

That was great, good job! I'm gonna echo what everyone else is saying, but I think the difficulty needs a bit of a rework. I didn't come away feeling frustrated, and I did really enjoy it all in all, but there were jumps that felt unnecessarily difficult to pull off, and mixed with the slightly longer (compared to a screen by screen game like Celeste) levels, it made some bits just tedious. I really like the way it feels to control this guy, though. The squash n stretch on the duck animation is fabulous, the art throughout, while on the simpler side, does it's job really really well, the music adds so much more than you would expect. I will say, Outer Wilds has taught me black holes attract and white holes repell, the mechanic works really nicely here. There were a few jumps where they clashed and made it hard to escape their pulls, but overall, nice work, keep it up! :3

(I wish itch jams had half star ratings like LD, cause it's forcing me to rate a lot lower than I usually would -- this is my first time outside of Ludum Dare, and it feels really strange to have to rate it outta 5 :P)