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Hi there! Instead of simply clicking stars in the rating, I'd love to give some feedback about your work. We invest lots of hours in this projects, so just a thumbs up or down is a bit unfair.

- First of all, the game is cool. I' ve never seen a TTRPG like old Tony Hawk's games and it hits hard on the nostalgic. But after reading the game, I've seen a heavy lack of RP in the TTRPG. Damn! you even lack a 'give your character a name' in your character creation. My impression is more like a cool TableTop Game instead of a RolePlaying Game. There is no story or narration in this race.

- So, I focused in the mechanics. The deck of cards as random events is neat and pretty fun. The tricks are thematic and the action economy seems right. :)

- But then I made some maths. With a -1 in a stat, you have a 55.55% chances of getting a success or better in your roll. With the maximum possible stat (+4 choosing matching ride and mood modifiers) you have no chances of failing at all (100%). It feels a bit odd. I have not tested in a group play, but having automatic successes and small odds of failing seems like making throws is not gonna make the playthrough exiting. I'm gessing you've taken the PBTA system as a base, but without the narrative side, which is the soul of it. 

- Last, I quite not understand the 'Minor' and 'Major' effects, as the majority of random events do not have those levels of success (and writing all of them it's a ton of work). I feel like playing Tricks is the best option to play, but it will be repetitive.

The aftertaste of your project is good, but the system seem to be against your desing. So, I don't want to rant and be very pesky on other's work (seriously, I don't). Those are just my opinions. Make what you feel with them and keep the good work. <3 


Hi thank you for your feedback, this game wasn't playtested so a lot of things probably don't make much sense.

- I didn't want the game to force too much roleplay, the different tricks and situations were kind of meant to influence roleplay but I didn't want it to be roleplay heavy because a lot of people I know struggle with that. There isn't meant to be a story or narrative other than "racing down a hill", it's kind of set for making things up as you go.

- Success is meant to be easier because some tricks can be used to make people auto-fail or lose a turn (which counts as a fail), I've also managed to roll some fails before on this. A lot of the mechanics are set in using tricks but I will set the DC for things to be higher since I agree it's kind of low. I also did NOT use PBTA, I just picked 2d6 because those are dice almost everyone has at home and I wanted the setup to be easy.

- I changed the effect names they're no longer Minor or Major effects, I made this around midnight while tired so some things got missed in editing, thank you for bringing them up as I'll fix them when I have time ^^

I'm pleased to help :) 

D6 is the best dice, for sure! :D

In order to check the maths I often use Very usefull (but you have to enjoy graphs and programing).

Keep the game cool!