This is the best use of limitation I've seen so far. I really like the idea of having only 10 seconds to control certain character, but lack of polishing makes experience so much different. I'm not sure why you've submited 14 hours, 12 minutes before the deadline (I guess there were some other important things?).
If you want to improve the game this might be helpful:
- Platformer toolkit by GMTK game jam
- SFXR, BFXR or existing assets for sound effects (you can change pitch to make sounds feel less repeatative
- Add timer and corresponding effects (like tickingthat is get more intence as timer approaches 10 seconds) to indicate how much time is left before switching players
- Maybe add unique ability to each character. For example one jumps higher and moves faster, but other one can move objects around (just an example, you can experiment with your own)
Anyway good luck with your future projects. This sumbition has great concept, but lacks execution... :D