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Yeah I had too. Because this got a lot of popularity fairly quickly but with it came the negative people who personally messaged me about my novel and believing it had to be a certain way pertaining to how they see it. This is to let people know while I am all for criticism I’m not for trying to please a sole individual and them egging me to make a change for them. I wrote this so everyone can enjoy it and put my imagination out there. I don’t want my novel to be wrapped around that negativity and while I know some negative folks will slip through the cracks, the amount of negative message I’ve received after this post has dropped significantly so I believed I made my point. 

Also I think I received your review. Your name seems familiar. I took that review to heart in a good way. That’s the type of reviews people should be getting. Also if your the one I’m talking about I definitely recommend going and starting that novel of yours! It seems like a good story. Let your imagination fly!