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Woah this VN was pretty good. You sure are building up a defense for every kind of accusation. I hope you do find the time to chill. Your art is amazing and those who appreciate it want more. Let the haters hate in silence and let's ignore them. Sure am glad to have stumbled onto your VN. Def deserves all its popularity.


Yeah I had too. Because this got a lot of popularity fairly quickly but with it came the negative people who personally messaged me about my novel and believing it had to be a certain way pertaining to how they see it. This is to let people know while I am all for criticism I’m not for trying to please a sole individual and them egging me to make a change for them. I wrote this so everyone can enjoy it and put my imagination out there. I don’t want my novel to be wrapped around that negativity and while I know some negative folks will slip through the cracks, the amount of negative message I’ve received after this post has dropped significantly so I believed I made my point. 

Also I think I received your review. Your name seems familiar. I took that review to heart in a good way. That’s the type of reviews people should be getting. Also if your the one I’m talking about I definitely recommend going and starting that novel of yours! It seems like a good story. Let your imagination fly!