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Cocona chastity should be taken by priest during the third part of her questline, and Lona needs to tell Cocona that chastity should be traded for important things. Team up with her and go Prostitute(not in the Inn and only with human/moot).

That is what you need to do.

This also will unlock the thirdteen CG.

Sorry i dind't read well your post y and say something that probably you already did, so let me ask you use a translation in the game in the actual version? 

Because if you do is probaly that the scene is bugged, that happend in my case and i fixed just by changing the idiom to Chinese.

And repeanting the steps.

(1 edit)

When prostituting herself, only Lona does it, I must have selected another option in the mission then. I want to kill myself, again new game. One question, can Cocona be prostituted in version, or is it in a later one?

Well i dont know when was implemented so sorry i cant help you with that but i think its recent.

Also dont forget to assig the trait ¨prostitute¨ for Lona before you go to rescue Cocona in the church or the option will not appear.

Oh yeah i remember how you can know if you can prostitue Cocona go with the Fortuneteller and check the gallery if there are 13 CG if there are 13 CG then you can.

Where can I take cocona in prostitution?
