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(2 edits) (+1)

who was responsible for Roswell's passing

He himself - with an injection on day 5

What happened to the Vault

They send Memphis some picture who the vault gets opened and the "timemashine" does not work anymore. 

Does Orlando have balls?

You played path B, didn't you? Orlando got enough balls to challenge his father. :)

Injections can cause Head Injuries...? The more I know I s'pose.

also goddamnit I didn't mean metaphorical balls!

(1 edit) (+1)

Roswell's first day 5 death is from being hit in the head with the fireaxe.

The vault is offline and what was in it gone. So when Memphis shows up it'll just be to an empty mansion and a thing in the basement he can't use.

And yes. Orlando has them. Both physical and metaphorical.

Fire Axe???  I'm unsure where to start looking for that in the game...  Also another question is who'd do it?  Cannot imagine Oswin would do it even if Roswell pleads.

It'd just be the one Sal has and finds under his bed. And later potentially uses on the day 10 event.

It's been a while since I went through Roswell's bad ending, so it isn't completely fresh in my mind. I'd assume either hypnotized Sal or Oswin.

It was always a wonder to me as to why Hypno-Sal would hunt for Roswell. Wtf was Thanatos even saying to Sal to cause such an event. And all of it was just for him to repent or smth... And not to mention why he suddenly went for Dean during Day 10 despite Ros being the only target. WEIRDNESS!


Answer below:

It was Oswin. Original plan was for Roswell to use a sleepwalking Sal to kill him and then relied on the lack of recollection to have no one be able to piece it together. However, Oswin who was in the study intervened, and upon being unable to convince Roswell off his plan killed him in Sal's stead. Then, using Sal still sleepwalking to remove the axe from the scene, set up the book left in front of Roswell's body to assist Dave to potentially resonate with the event to circumvent it. Finally, he locked the door from the inside and then hid in the study, which the cast were unaware of existing, until they'd seen the body and moved on.

Molly marmalade, that clears out a whole lot. Oswin really stayed in the study all that time... Ig it also lines with Path P with him taking Ros' stead and turned himself in for Future Crimes.