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Spoilers (I'm new to this)

In Dean path c, I've got two X's and idk what it means nor how I'd got those. Does it mean bad choices in patch c?, Plus how do I choose the Path A of Dean or to know what choice's does change the paths (or hints)... 

If sounded dumb, sorry... I'm new to this 

(1 edit) (+1)

The squares on the save files are for the characters. I think the order is Roswell, Tyson, Orlando, Hoss, Dean, Sal, then Benson, and Oswin. If they get crossed out, it means that character has died.

You stay on path A by using the correct password on day 10.

Ahhh okok, thank youu!!!

(2 edits)

A red "X" means that a certain person died. 

If you fail the password on day 10, you simply lose two people. I recommend to read on, because the "bad ending" paths are part of the story and MAY be helpful to figure out the mastermind or the password you missed.

In General: The passwords from day 10 and later can be solved without watching the bad ending! Just read carefully whenever Dave starts his investigation and write down sus words on your paper.

Path A:  Support Benson, solve all Passwords after day 9

Path B: Reveal Oz, solve all Passwords after day 9

Path C:  Support Benson  but FAIL Password on day 10 

Path: D/E: Reveal Oz and FAIL Password on Day 10.

Ohhhhhhh... I Get it now, Thank you!!!