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Exactly as it says in the title. Reid walked to the right all the way into my heart.  It's a joke game (though a super elaborate one), so I never really know how to rate these.

I loved all the little things popping up on the map. There were some typos with the Roza&Albert dialogue, but otherwise no bugs that I could find.

Aw I thought I proofed it pretty well. Do you remember what lines they were?

(1 edit) (+1)

It was like 'Ney Reid' instead of 'Hey Reid'.  (Albert said that twice, so now I'm wondering if that's intentional) 
Roza says something along the way of 'someone's gonna keep you in check' and I thought it should be 'gotta keep you in check'. 
There also was either wrong punctuation/missing capitalization in Reid's first response after Roza and Albert's flirting. 

Wow it was worse than I thought. Thanks for bringing them to my attention, I’ll brush them up within the next few days/weeks/months/etc :D