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Thanks oli! There are some more areas "in the cooker" so to speak... soon to come out.

Also working on some new game modes but I love the killing spree mode so much I keep playing that one all the time! :)

Thanks Kurt, do you aim for a certain direction with the game or do you see where it goes? Will it be a "simple" arcade game for highscore hunting or some kind of "discover what happened on this planet and why the old civilization is gone" where you explore, find clues and objects, find secret caves etc.?

Not really too planned in advance... I think of a playmode or level design and then experiment. Sometimes it comes out nice and sometimes it sort of has a flaw or doesn't work in some way. Usually I try to fix stuff like that and find what can make it fun, but sometimes it's a lost cause. In the case of Killing Spree mode it took me years to put that together in my brain as something to try and it turned out quite fun and it gets played quite a bit too.

Nice,good luck with the next iterations :)