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I understand you, and it is the same as explaining to one what it means to have a polyamorous relationship, but it seems that the only harems that were seen were where they were only faithful to the main character and not those that were also interested in intimacy between the other members (in my example I have arifureta, kanojo no kanojo and Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu), but what do you expect from these people who literally already have the NTR associated as bad, or who dislike futas (who they are within their right not to like it, but don't suck, they are adults, they know more than anyone that it won't hurt anything to skip it or go to another game of their interest), that is, all the decisions that the developer makes are partly his discord group, and if they like it, it means that he already has people who gave him their approval to move forward with this, and not the people who threw shit instead of criticizing it (who on top of that get it for free, because I already say from that if they paid for the game they would already know in advance that they would come), the good thing is that I saw out there that it would make 2 versions, the public one and the one for members, with the only difference that the one for members will have the mini-updates

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I say it should be the opposite. Paid version should have an option of whether or not you want to skip content. That way if the paying customers have an issue with certain aspects of the game then they can at least skip that kind of content as for the choosing beggars that want to ruin things for the rest of us, they can go screw themselves for all I care. They aren't paying for it so why is the dev giving them authority on what does and doesn't go into the public build? Why is the dev allowing these closed minded morons to ruin things for the rest of us? Let them either pay to be able to skip certain kinds of content or find another game. Don't punish the rest of us just because a bunch of choosing beggars don't like what you come up with...


I say that this way is fine because:

1° As I mentioned before, those who donate are the ones who are approving the developer's ideas, so they should not have problems with the content, while the public will only be left without the mini-updates

2° He will at least be calm, and will be able to continue developing without being limited

3° Now they will not have to complain, when they are already being given a version that is supposed to be with which they have no problems


yeah...until they find something else to complain about...I'm against appeasing self entitled people who demand to have content removed but don't want to pay money to support the game. Let them complain for a bit and leave them leaving is of no real consequence unless they are paying for the game and they should be made to realize this. Just like if I decide to stop playing the game because the dev would rather appease self entitled morons than make the game he initially wanted to make it's of no real consequence because I'm not a paying customer. I'm just some random person on the internet who took an interest in the game and is thinking twice about wanting to play future builds if the dev is just going to remove content to appease random choosing beggars on the internet in the future. Because if it's happened once it will more than likely happen again...and again...and again...until the project ends up dead. 


I agree, an artist should never be limited because precisely what is diverse or his creativity is what will give interest to the work, as long as everything remains legal, in my opinion I like the work because it almost seems like a anime, because it has all the situations and things like that.

I sincerely hope he does well, because besides putting up with the crap here he has to deal with his own stuff too, not to mention, it already takes him months to make updates.

Those who complained, I don't know if they kept quiet or left, but it seems to me that they are not aware of all this, because the one I discussed with said that "I no longer wanted to talk about it, because the content had already been removed", honestly I don't know why I'm tolerating them

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hopefully in the future the dev tells those entitled twats to go screw themselves when they start complaining instead of bending over backwards to appease them. That's IF  this whole thing hasn't already killed the project as from what I can tell it's been a long time since a public release has been made. Because if they try this crap again then the naysayers need to be chased off. If they are going to try and ruin things for the rest of us than we as a community need to make them feel as unwelcome as humanly possible to keep them from killing this project entirely. If they try to spam negative reviews like a certain moron did then the rest of us just need to drown them out with positive reviews. Take away the illusion that they perceive as power and they will have nothing to stand on. Make sure that they understand that their crap isn't appreciated and they will eventually leave.


that being said I'll drop it here as this convo is taking up a lot of space but these circumstances have made me question whether or not I will continue playing this game at all as I said whether or not I play is of no real consequence to the dev as I'm not a paying customer and I'm not fond of devs who remove content to appease choosing beggars so I'll probably just utilize my own advice and just find another game and hope the next dev exercises better judgement and doesn't remove content from the public build just to appease an angry mob. I'll just leave my thoughts here and hopefully more rational minds will come to their own decisions on whether or not this project is an already sinking ship. I wish the dev the best and hope for the sake of those who like and support this project that he makes better and more rational decisions rather than a panicked response in the future...good luck...


Good luck, and let this go down as another bad experience

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I will. And I'm sorry if I came off as a bit harsh I'm the brutally honest type but some times that makes me come off as rude or unconstructive when in fact I'm doing my best to be constructive. I just hope the dev doesn't take this as me just being rude for the sake of it. But I can certainly understand if that is the case. That being said I really do hope the dev learns from this in some way and wish them all the best.


A lot of people hate the lesbian content(?) in MobuSeka for several different reasons.