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lovely game!! the gameplay is challenging but rewarding and it encourages you to play carefully. and the art/designs are really nice hehe

after the 5th room it says "click to continue" but it doesnt seem to do anything, is this the end of the game?

all in all very good jam game :)

Thank you! My goal was indeed to reward the careful management of mana. And yes, the 5th chamber is the final one but you should be taken to a screen that allows you to choose a girl afterward. On all my tests I was able to so I'm not sure why you were stuck on "click to continue". But I will be updating this after the jam is over.

(1 edit)

I also got stuck on "click to continue" after beating the 5th room... otherwise, very polished game and very challenging! I somehow insta-won against the slime girl (5 seconds into the round), but maybe she was just easily impressed...


Yeah, the insta-win in chamber 3 is a cheat for fast testing that I unintentionally left in. I might keep it in the update though because to me the fact that the slime girl is easily impressed is hilarious.