boy why you so gnarp gnap 👽
Fava Beans
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Thanks for all the feedback! I went back and forth on the amount of zoom so many times and even thought of allowing the player to change it. But then I thought I kind of want this game to have a scavenger hunt like vibe, and the camera angle and zoom I decided on lent itself to that. Now that I think about it, I could've at least included a temporary zoom out or something else to assist you
This is a pretty fun game. It's challenging but also very forgiving at the same time with how easy it is to recover hit points. On my playthrough I was constantly fluctuating from almost dead to full HP and that really gave it the frantic feeling I think you were going for. And also, I love your UI! I think that was the best way you could've implemented the health bar. It's always obvious but still unintrusive. I enjoyed this one. Highly replayable!
Thanks for your feedback! I can see where you're coming from on those two points. I tried to keep each door very close to their respective buttons, hoping it'd be hard to miss their animations. But I can think of a few places you may move away and miss it anyway. I probably should've had the camera focus in on them or something.
Thanks for the feedback! I was hoping it'd look like a sorta urban fantasy setting by mixing in modern objects. And also I didn't have time to draw custom tiles that fit a strictly fantasy theme ::>_<:: Building the world is definitely somewhere I fell short both in graphically and in writing. I never even stated the academy's name in the story or that it's meant to train witches specifically. Maybe some day I will further development to at least revise the world along with some of the character writing