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I'm learning recently that platformer controls are kind of hard to design. so it's understandable that the buttons you've chosen are a little awkward. music's pretty good. I think that constantly falling like it's flappy bird is not necessarily the best choice for a bullet hell. I like the section with the barrel-bomb and the things that spawn the slime boys, for how it teaches this idea that the barrel-bomb goes through grates. completely missed that my first time through and ended up getting swarmed. but the guidance was clear as day my second time through.

Thank you for playing, omnidev. I'm glad you enjoyed the demo.

I think that constantly falling like it's flappy bird is not necessarily the best choice for a bullet hell.

I agree. Do you think noGrav when strafing is not enough?

I have my reasoning to keep gravity, but I won't bore you with a wall of text on my design philosophy.

I'm willing to listen to who is bothered by this mechanic in one way or another. I just need to figure out if having a strafe on toggle is good enough, or if I need to implement a noGrav mode via a powerup, or different loadout for templar(ex: light armor, so no grav, but less hp) 


to be honest I didn't strafe a single time after it was explained, I forgot that mechanic existed. so I have no comment on whether it helps or not