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Good work!

Like you said in the ending- the particles and character movement were really solid. I liked the healing with the cooldown. Pixel art was pretty decent, the background and characters looked nice.

There were two things I'd work on more here. First is the use of special object. While the "street fight" part was well done, the glasses could've been more prominently displayed.

The other was enemy ai, or enemy variety. It was pretty easy to find a spot where drones couldn't reach you, and then spam attack to defend from the guys on the ground. If the drones moved around player would have more incentive to move around more  too.

All in all- pretty good! 

Thank you for your comment and rating! :)
Definitely could have done better. There wasn't even a decent concept in the beginning, so everything changed in the development stages. And then when there was no time, I made a Timer and cut off a chunk of the level throwing out some mechanics and stuff.. .

Thank you for playing our mini-game and I'll dive into yours and the others tomorrow :)

That's jam development for you! Cutting stuff is probably as important as developing if you wanna make a deadline :)