Damn this one is cool.
Early on already I felt like "these foot step noises are annoying" but I figured maybe I was just lack of sleep or being harsh, but after playing it for longer now I really think those SFX can be changed to be better. Also, the monotony and its just the same noises constantly, maybe mix it up like different sounds on different surfaces like the big white concrete slabs and the small bricks could have different noises, and its too much like jingley clankey armour and not enough like footsteps I think. That's a real negative for me because it occured to me quickly and stayed on my mind the whole time.
Everything else is feeling so good, the looping BGM was fine, even relaxing, I thought it would be annoying looping too much but I ended up liking it. Still could be improved by more variation but hey its alright. Maybe it can advance to a new loop as you go deeper in. I like how it visually reminds me of Zelda games it feels nostalgic of OoT temple puzzles for me. Will there be light bouncing and block pushing puzzles too then?
The perspective changes can be so interesting when the floor becomes the ceiling and you are UP at the ceiling like high on a ledge that used to be a low corridor, that is so refreshing. This game is so cool.