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Oh nevermind, I am using a HP Probook 430 G2 so the low framerate is to be expected on most games. But with green cheetah what I found was that unlike many other games where the UI and player control becomes laggy or nonfunctional at low FPS this one still felt responsive in that movement would change direction or attack would start on the next frame as expected. So good job with that.

cool. act 1 re-emergance is normally spelled re-emergence

its good that it has low res options, if there could be some 16:9 low res instead of just 4:3 that would be nice. performance is a lot better with that. The new character pause screen animations are nice.

looks pretty good. The movement worked fine and responsive even with the low framerate

dude, this game runs pretty fast now (on busted GFX anyway, which still looks pretty good). Audio worked fine and performance was almost perfect.

I thought this was written in java. Is it in c/c++ then? Kind of impressive how small the files are for the game. the performance is flawless, truly this is one of the few DD56 games that runs very well on my system, congrats on that.

good idea to put keybinds in the pause screen

itd be good if enemies seeing you could be blocked by level terrain and they think you are where they last saw you before being blocked. that way you could double around behind them and see their backs and that'd be nice.

a gamma/brightness slider for the graphics would be nice.

its nice that the guys "pick an angle" and fire on it even after you move, helps make the spike be very useful

I couldn't really play it. It was running very slow and when I pull the lever, it moves a little then stops, and if I hover the mouse over it and keep up with it, then it slowly moves, but if I just pull it down it stops.

So I think what you have done is made it while LMB held down, lever follows mouse, but if mouse moves away from lever, it stops. so at low FPS like on my system, it gets left behind almost immediately and this breaks it. Also, the lever moving very very slowly and so I think that you have it moving a certain amount each frame, instead of a certain amount each second, and so it becomes framerate dependent.

maybe grab screen_y of mouse on LMB down over lever, start tracking mouse pos, stop tracking when LMB released, and on each frame update lever to the current mouse pos Y value or something.

the help text with the arrows was nice. I thought that there was no sound but it was just very quiet so I think if you can normalise all of your SFX to -0 db or maybe but a compressor on the audiobus?

is it going to be like a graphics option model detail low/high?

I like that blorb lives in a big blorb house, it should have some blorb little windows too.

BGM music on dialog box scenes should be looping, it stops after 1 play through

The camera shift when you change direction, to keep blorbino roughly 40% to the back side, it is quite swift, at first it felt like a glitch but then on playing with it and you see how it worked it not too bad but if it can be refined somehow that would be better, maybe when moving in a direction and his screen position is in front of where it "should" be then move the camera 1.5 or 2px for every 1px blorb moves until caught up or something idk, there is probably a way to make it feel less abrupt, as it is now it is too noticeable and draws attention to the camera rather than the game through the camera

Nice Music/SFX

It would be nice to split the background MSPaint art into two layers, front one colour keyed or png transparent, and at a different scroll rate for parallax effect between light green hill and dark green mountain

It sometimes looked like he should have landed but I think maybe his red shoes misses, sometimes there is trouble rejumping on a 1block platform getting ignored I think it might be browser input lag or something, maybe when let go and repress space while game thinks it is still jumping, flag that and queue and immediate rejump on land?

The overworld needs arrow keys but was playing with AD so it looked like couldnt choose anything and only the first level was available so played the first level again then realized it is arrow keys only on overworld

cool that he flies down from the sky to enter the level

the flying red potatoes were too OP for me


nice. nice use of demo day too, having just a small gameplay snippet for testing. I really liked it a lot, up until about when he put up the wall with the stay out tape, it just became kind of stale at that point. I was expecting that either statements would be lost when first used (whether effective or not) or would be lost once used effectively (maybe a difficulty thing like in easy mode they stick around until effective) but as soon as vreena said the same thing more than once it took the magic away so to speak. I think if you are going to do this it should definitely be like for boss battles. I really liked cyberpunk 2077 braindance detective segments and also arkham asylum detective mode segments, and especially for cyberpunk 2077 I feel that the game suffered for having so few of them. If think that a similar thing can happen here like to do it well you need to write a lot of content so that it is properly fleshed out and each line is use once. But then if you shy away from doing it frequently enough throughout the game then that can lead to disappointment like having a taste but not a meal. So I'd say if you going to put this in the game then I'd like to see it as a fairly frequent mechanic like maybe each area finish with a boss battle using keywords you found within that area or something i dont know. Now, the last stand part, that didn't come across very well. Based on vreenas explanation I understood that the grey text was masters words against us and then we "Blew his statements away" with fire or wind reaction etc. But, I kept second guessing like "no, is this grey text what we are saying to him? No its him saying to us right?" and using the elements was a bit empty that they just zapped or burnt his statements. I think those things would be a REALLY nice "touch" if it was in addition to a comeback from vreena, but skipping the comeback and just having the elemental.... lame, seems like a cop out. Besides that really nice I always liked this dream team but with this latest snippet I feel it even better.

its pong, in a terminal. the first serve is way to slow, then it accelerates too quickly and becomes invisible like you can't see it anymore its moving so fast, and you just sit still in the middle and rack up points usually.

pretty cool effect though

I got smart screen popup on this one, I had to click more info run anyway. I got stuck in some you cant escape type thing in the sewer below the moat.

I think it would be better to have the subfolder inside the zip file because although sometimes it is a bit annoying to go like hello_adventure/hello_adventure/adventure.bat, it is much worse to make a big mess in the current folder that you then have to piece together and clean up.

how did you get the mouse to work? That is so cool. I liked the apothacary and lvl2 dungeon art that was nice. I guess you are using the LowLevelKeyboardHandler to get input while not focussed? That is annoying why do you do that is it so that you can accept input while text is highlighted or something? 

It is surprisingly graphical for a CLI game. I died to a bat on level 3. Nice game, but it did seem to lag or freeze up or just not receive input sometimes, weird.

hmm, a bear raped shion and ekaterina to death that was a bit imbal. And I thought I was being smart by avoiding the lockers. I like how the game just quit after you acknowledge that you died, that felt kind nice.

um, it would be nice to have the HP stacked vertically regardless of name width, like loop over all names for your party (and separately for enemy party) remember longest, pad shorter to that,  I think it might also be nice to %2d or so the numbers to help them line up too maybe? Also if the enemy party could be shifted over to the right with leading spaces to make it like pokemon red/blue how you were bottom left and they were top right that might be nice too.

At first I thought I was not going to like this, but surprisingly it didn't seem to complicated. I like how it is basically an auto battler. I stopped after Igot lost then saw jaberwoky had so much health.

That sounds cool, I remember when I played sakura clicker I thought "normal computers can't hold numbers this large, they must be using a bignum library" because the numbers go above what even a 64bit float can hold. There are c/c++ libraries and java/c# have it built in. There is even a way to make them in script languages that do not have them you have to implement it in a way that is complicated to explain, using functions. I remember that the multiplication technique was called russian peasant multiplication it is actually pretty cool. Anyway I never made a game on the concept but I remember how seeing ever growing absurdly high numbers felt. Anyway, I will be your team mate if you want, I can do mspaint and simple pixel graphics, and I can do some basic godot / gamemaker / unity scripting.

i dont have any audio crackling issues anymore.

i had a vulcan error running it. but then it worked fine anyway.

i watered the grass but i couldnt figure out how to kill the little emo dude.

i like the water fx and the paralax layers in the background

COOL GAME, nice ui. I had to go into the menu and read the equipment to learn you slide dodge to get through the gap. I thought ESC should show the menu instead of just ENTER.

okay, it needs an animation when I try to move but cant, not jsut a SFX but jiggle her sprite in that direction a bit otherwise its hard to know what isometric direction you even try to move in it doesnt make sense

also it needs to say press enter or space to get menu interaction. perhaps a tutorial or something or a note in the first room saying [ENTER] on it, and if you press enter the menu is read note, and then it says in a room you can press enter to bring up a menu of objects to interact with or somethign like that.

the scrolling background really helps.

i like the combat screen / system, that was nice.

a teal flash when picking up the teal capsule things (Shield pickups?) would be nice, maybe a SFX too.

itd be cool if holding down shift would take a sec then transform you to unable to strafe but move much faster tank tread / road wheels mode, where A/S turns in left/right instead of strafe, and your mouse is full independant turrent control, then let go of shift and it slows down in a sec then returns to walk mode, I feel like that would add to the tactical nuance and allow faster travel

pruple keywords are too hard to read (low contrast)

Game seems pretty itneresting, but I dont understand the force lock, and how to unlock it. The shop UI was pretty cool but not sure if there is any currency? I got incapacitated at the spy rendezous, I suppose you're not meant to go straight there but rather grind and level first?


Unable to initialize Vulkan video driver


Your video card drivers seem not to support the required Vulkan version.

If possible, consider updating your video card drivers or using the OpenGL 3 driver.

You can enable the OpenGL 3 driver by starting the engine from the

command line with the command:

    "planet-rally-24-01-05.exe" --rendering-driver opengl3

If you have recently updated your video card drivers, try rebooting.




When i make a shortcut with that command, the screen when you hover the text goes white or light grey, can't see it on the monitor it is too low contrast.

REWIND!?! damn that is so cool.

I kept losing control of my car when it went fast (keyboard), but still it was really fun.

Hey, good looking game. I like the idle animation. cool transistion screens too.

I had trouble reading fast enough when the controls kept changing. can it perhaps cancel the animation and only show the WASD one, if WASDJ have been pressed within the past 5 seconds? And same to only show the arrow key ones if UP RIGHT LEFT DOWN Z have been pressed within the past 5 seconds, so that it "locks on" to the currently used scheme, because otherwise it is actually difficult ok.

nice using the movement of the game character to progress from the initial menu, that is very smooth way of confirming they learn esp the power jump to reach the door.

I got filtered by room 007, I gave up at 158 deaths. I just couldn't string it long enough and reach the swith

dammnnnnnn, this is cool. I played it more than I thought I was going to I feel like it has pretty good pacing in the beginning.

spooky maze. I don't understand what the look up/down will be useful for. I'm not sure what picking up the skulls does?

pretty cool game. Ran fast with no problems. I like how the pause menu llooks too.

The F1 text was very hard to read. Can there be a semi transparent dark background behind it to give the white text better contrast?

but then it seemed like no units would spawn or anything?

wow, cool screen transitions!

I like that the cutscene is like reading a comic book.

But... I did find the text to be small and hard to read and like the area for it was mostly not used, Can it maybe rescale to be bigger text, if the length of the message is small it can use big text maybe?

I wonder if right justified text would be easier to read when the chara saying it was on a pic that slid in on the right? Not sure.

can it use WASD as well as Up/Down/Left/Right? I see that "S" is read, but that can be rebound?

interesting game. I think the density of notes at the start is a bit much because it felt difficult to remember and learn so much so quickly. I had some trouble with the companion commands.

But anyway, it certainly has interesting areas.

when I try to run it, it said:


Unable to initialize Vulkan video driver


Your video card drivers seem not to support the required Vulkan version.

If possible, consider updating your video card drivers or using the OpenGL 3 driver.

You can enable the OpenGL 3 driver by starting the engine from the

command line with the command:

    "awoken.exe" --rendering-driver opengl3

If you have recently updated your video card drivers, try rebooting.




Can you perhaps have the zip file have a shortcut to the .exe inside it, which has this parameter, and call it start in safe mode or something? I had to right clikc, create shortcut, right click shortcut go properties, paste "--rendering-driver opengl3" onto the end of target, apply, ok, then click shortcut to run uit.

IT then ran fine, very fast even. IT was very responsive good job. I like hwo the anime ho animates  each time i shoot.

On You Died! the button for "Restart" is cut off so it just say "Restar"

Your level design LOOKS SO COOL! I like how the cockpit reacts to the light of the area.

Just need to have gun shot spawn projectile and toggle on an area light to provide muzzle flash...

worked after I instralled:




You must install .NET Desktop Runtime to run this application.

Architecture: x64

App host version: 6.0.22

Would you like to download it now?

Learn about runtime installation:


Yes   No   


It took about 6 seconds to launch, and then was in game wit hteh music. At first I thought it was broken, but happy it loaded up fine.

can it be possible for it to create a window and say "loading" just white text on black background or something, before it tries to open any files or process any resources? Just so that on a low end system they know it is working straight away? If it is easy to do that is.

My laptop has 1366x768 and the window was too high by default, but when I maximised it it rescaled the content and that was okay then.

Game Notes:

The new combat UI is way better, on the old one I couldn't click properly on the left because of the screen size, on the new one it is fine.

The UI border that looks like a retro RPG with the font and the decorative edge is nice.

I'm not sure how "E" works, where she looks at the screen, hunger goes down, hp and mp go up. But it doesn't happen while moving?

nice game.

this game looks really polished now. I played it for quite a while. good job.

OK this looks intersting, but when she jump and I go to the edge it says "jump after?" and then basically just locked up. No button does anything, no where I click does anything, had to ctrl-alt-delete kill it.

which is a shame because I think this game looks pretty cool and wanted to play it.

I got:


AGE OF BRASS.exe - Application Error


The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.



That was on my laptop. I then booted up my desktop PC just to make sure, and it ran fine there. Now that I can play it, HELL YEAH BROTHER! But it would be nice if the error on the laptop had a message that told more information like why id didn't work, not enough directX version or something? I know my laptop doesn't work with vulcan, but it should work with directX and openGL. Perhaps you don't have any control over that?

Hello Madodev, I get the following message:


The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:

Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

But then I scrolled it down and did the download (windows), it seemed to work good. Nice splash screen, nice main menu. However, the windows system tray stayed ontop so your four icons (cog, cog wand, discord, line and circle) are cutoff halfway down by the system tray.

game plays and runs fine on my (slow) system, great job! I think it might be possible in godot to have a script process the audio of an audioplayer and emit events based on some kind of sound filter, the events could be caught to play a mouth yap animation, for auto lip sync I imagine. If you can do that I think it'd be really cool to see it look like the chara was talking better.

(1 edit)

do you want to do a 30day game jam together starting next week? if so  email

heh, funny. it took AGES to properly start up in the browser, but it did eventually work (firefox 114).