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Hey Imagine Traveller! 


Thank you for the feedback!

"puzzle rooms are bugged out and doesnt show the entire room"

I'm not sure what you mean by this, there is currently only 1 puzzle available, once completed you encounter a reward chest.

Can you explain more about what seems bugged out and not showing the entire room?

"they also lack any penalty when you give a wrong answer" 

Upon getting the puzzle wrong, one of your party members loses some HP, but upon testing this again, I see it needs to be more noticeable thanks!

"i do agree the tutorial is too instructive and over explaining everything"

Thanks, are you able to specify which tutorial feels too instructive and over explains everything as there are multiple tutorials spread throughout the game.

"other than that,the elemental advantage system never  felt like any use since the teammates i get each run is randomized(and the enemy also)"

Here is how you can utilize the elemental system:

You pick your team, let's say you pick 3 Fire and 1 Water.

In the outerworld, let's say you've unlocked 3 worlds (Wind, Dark, Water).

Considering your team is comprised of mostly Fire and that Fire is strong against Wind, you'd prioritize entering the Wind World to gain an elemental advantage in battles.

Now let's go with a less obvious case:

Your team is 2 Fire and 2 Earth:

Now let's say you enter the Wind World.

Considering Earth is weak against Wind, during battle you'd prioritize buffing up your Fire based creatures (Attack Buff, Crit Chance Buff, etc.) and protecting your Earth creatures since they are more vulnerable (Shield, Healing, Cleanse etc).

Does this make any sense to you?

Thanks again Imaginary Traveller!



dont rmb,already forgot everything lol


all of that make sense,but the early game doesnt allow me to do any kinda of team building since i only have 3 souls to choose from most of the time

a small UI thingy that reminds you of the element cyclein battle would also be nice (if one doesnt already exist)

Thanks for the reply Imaginary Traveller!


"dont rmb,already forgot everything lol"

Fair enough, well I'm going through the tutorials again and I'll try to reduce/shrink it down where possible, as I can see how it's a bit wordy at times.

"all of that make sense,but the early game doesnt allow me to do any kinda of team building since i only have 3 souls to choose from most of the time"

Would you rather new players have several different characters to choose from from the get go?

Potential consequences (at least from my point of view):

-Too many characters to choose from for a player that's unsure of which character suits them best at this point in the game.
(Choice paralysis)

-Limits the upgrade mechanics for the # of souls to choose from if a player already has a larger amount to select from.

"a small UI thingy that reminds you of the element cyclein battle would also be nice (if one doesnt already exist)"

Thanks again for the feedback Imaginary Traveller!



(1 edit) (+1)

Woahh nice find! I've yet to experience this. Time to investigate!

Can you let me know the size of your screen (for eg. 1280 by 720)?

Update - I can trigger this on my end, thanks a bunch! (clap)


Updated the game, should be fixed now, thanks again Imaginary Traveller!