I like exploration in games, but between the low speed and emptiness of the world it's not fun at the moment.
It would be easier to list the things the UI does right than the ones it does wrong. It feels like you've been improvising it any way that works as you add and prototype each feature. It could use a total, cohesive redesign at some point.
From what I experienced with the old demo, the water pipes are padding. It seems they were added due to a need to have puzzles in a dungeon, but at that they are about as good as pushing square pegs into square holes, only the holes are all the way around on the other side of the planet. Disregarding the water mechanics themselves for a moment and thinking about what the pipes are adding to them, they are just excuses to make the player pace back and forth and back again through the dungeon flipping switches, which is aggravated by the slow navigation.