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Cool idea! I love the mix between a card game and an operational view with the city. Also nioce that you got to implement progression with new cards and more agents! Really good job. It took me a while to figure out how the game works actually, an interactive tutorial would have been very nice! It took me a couple of minutes to figure out there was a How To Play section :D Aside from that I'd recommend making the text a big bigger. I'm playing on UHD and it's a bit hard to read. Good job on your game!


Thank you for playing, I hope it was an enjoyable experience! I hear you on the text size, a general UI overhaul is much needed as I struggled with that quite a bit. I had also originally planned to have a tutorial mission at the start of the run, but unfortunately ran out of time on implementing that and had to resort to just a How To Play menu. Definitely on the to-do list!