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May I have a list of  files that should be executable in the mac version?

Explanation of my request: On mac, sometimes, the files that should be executable are converted into documents. Using the terminal, you can turn documents into executables. Normally, the ones that must be executable are all in the MacOS folder (my experience with most renpy games) but it doesn't work with this game. My theory on why it doesn't work is that some files that should be executable are not.

(1 edit)

I'm not entirely sure what the executable would be for the Mac version, as I don't have a Mac myself. With the windows version, there is a "game.exe" executable inside the first folder, which does not exist anywhere in the Mac version (presumably since Mac's don't open .exe files). My assumption would be that the "" file is the executable for the game, as I understand .app files usually are executable on Mac's. It could also be the "app.nw" found here "\Contents\Resources\app.nw", as that contains the Mac equivalent of the "www" folder, which is the where the game's files are stored. 

 To clarify, your issue is that you can't launch the game to begin with, as you can't find the executable for it? I will mention either way that RPG Maker MV isn't supported on Mac OS 11 or later, so if that is your operating system, you might want to just download the Web version, and run that instead from the "index.html" file. Or get the Windows version if you have an emulator set up already. If you do the web version, you also might have to configure your settings for your browser, this link can help with that. The web version usually isn't compatible with the character creator though, so your player sprite won't match your appearance.

 If you're on an older Mac OS, let me know if you have other questions. I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be looking for in regards to Mac executables, so I might not have answered your original question properly.