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(1 edit) (+1)

played about 40min-hour, got to floor 14 on my 3rd attempt and died to a trap :3

Thought there was no sound at all until I heard exactly one and it scared the shit outta me

Enemy tried to bounce a bullet off the wall behind it, even though I was in line of sight, and killed itself (kinda funny)

Club atm is kinda the worst item, since you can block incoming bullets by spamming your own anyway, maybe if the reflected projectile was super fast/peircing/more damage/AoE or anything it'd be worth it or if enemies had more HP

Laser staff is good, probably the best active item (got a triple kill with it too, which was nice)

Unclear what utility the alt-fire has when everything dies in 1 hit and small projectiles are likely to detonate it early, especially when you can't bounce it (looks cool tho)
edit: just noticed it breaks wood walls
2nd edit: weathering tome actually makes it pretty good for a variety of things, without that I pretty much only break walls with it, or if I'm spamming and ran out of energy, since the cast time makes it's kindof unsafe to use 90% of the time

Void sphere is alright, though most of the time I get hit it's because something surprised me, so I don't have the foresight to use it (might be nice if it popped automatically when you'd get hit) 

In general, I think ACTIVE defensive items are gonna be less appealing than ACTIVE offensive items. (Passive items are always appealing, sad you can only have one) If the game gets significantly more chaotic later on, active defensive items might be better, but you'd want a surplus of charges so could use it once a level between shops at least.

Alternatively, active defense items that let you play more offensively like 5sec invulnerable or something could be nice

Nitpick: be nice to have a way to read info on something after you pick it up (maybe in the pause menu) 

Unclear whether there's any differences between the outfits since the flavor text describes a different person (I assume it's just aesthetic tho)

Final Item Tier list:
S- Laser Staff
A- Weathered Tome, First Aid
B- Energy Bangle, Void Sphere
C- Club

(if there were more I didn't get to them)

Environment and Character look great! I'm impressed by all the detail.

Best of luck to you!

Thank you for playing!

And thank you for the item feedback, that is very relevant to me.

Maybe I will speed up casting time with Weathered Tome. I agree club is not very good against basic enemies but I think it works better against Gryllus, specially the sentry ones (I don't know if you saw them). It will hopefully get better as trickier bullets are added in.

Let me know if you have any item ideas! What you say about defense and offense is pretty true too.

Outfits are just outfits! Text is just flair. I will be adding new characters soonish.


Sure! The way I play has me hiding behind cover a lot and poking my head around the corner to fire all 3 of my shots (since some of them will die to enemy bullets) So items that make that easier would appeal to me. (I'm not so good at bouncing my shots)
Here's some ideas off the top of my head:

  • Bullet Speed increase (passive)
  • Temporary invulnerability/shield so I can charge around a corner safely (active)
  • shield that blocks the first shot that hits you for a few levels (passive or active)
  • staff that shoots a bullet that follows the mouse (active) (strong but requires focus)
  • alt-fire follows the mouse (passive)
  • staff that calls down a meteor at mouse position (active) (maybe too strong)
  • Laser sight that shows how your bullets will bounce (passive) (good for unskilled players, useless for people who are good)
  • shots bounce more than once (passive) (double edged sword)
  • Shield(s) that orbit the player and block enemy shots (passive or active)
  • movement speed (passive) (saw someone wanted this, so might be a good compromise as an item)
  • immunity to traps (passive)
  • teleport to mouse position (active)
  • Nova/Explosion that stuns enemies through walls (active)

Here some less good ones

  • Nova/Explosion on self that knockbacks projectiles like the club but all directions
  • dodge roll (active) (lol)
  • shotgun staff (active)
  • rapid fire staff (active)
  • staff that shoots a bullet that goes through walls (active) (maybe too strong)
  • Energy Band, but instead of becoming exhausted, your shots become slightly inaccurate (for a spray and pray playstyle)
  • Shots curve (passive) (you can curve them around corners or enemy bullets)  
  • normal shots explode (passive)
  • Alt-fire lights the ground on fire for a decent length of time, maybe still destroys missiles that travel over it (passive)

Also something you might consider if you want to push players to bounce their shots more is an enemy with a laser (like the staff) that only fires when it has direct line-of-sight

Thank you!