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Potential bugs in calculating Lor's Affinity bonuses and the command skill Boost Morale.

I will confess right away math is not my strong suit. I realize the combat calculations consist of simple addition and subtraction calculations with mulitipliers for bonuses, thus, it isn't that complex. So I think I'm correct in my following report, though I could be misunderstanding and/or miscalculating.

I think the game is not adding Lor's affinity bonuses to the combat rolls. As an example, if he's adding a total of +8 to the Water Knight's roll, when the knight rolls an 8, it's apparent Lor's affinity is not being added to Water Knight's roll since rolling zero is not possible. I've seen this many times where the bonus number given by Lor (ex: 1 + 1 + 2 = +4) is the die number rolled (4) for the Water Knight. He isn't getting Lor's bonus. Another thing to note is when the Water Knight is supposed to receive Lor's affinity bonus, he cannot roll a number under Lor's bonus. So if Lor's affinity is adding +5, the Water Knight will roll no less than 5. Also of note, Lor is not buffing himself either. 

Boost morale doesn't seem to be tabulated into the final calculations even though it does show in the combat calculations line. It simply isn't counted. For example:

in a line-u p with Lor & Samuel & Katnir

base rolls: 8 + 6 + 3

with element bonus of -2 and faction bonus of 2

and boost morale + 10

8+ 6 + 3 +2 -2 +10 = 17. It should be 27.


p.s. even though I don't like grinding type of games in general, I like this game. The amount of detail and attention you put into ambient conversations and descriptions and into thinking about the setting and how the elemental affinities and the roles (rogue, mage, priest, knight) have on personality and outlook is quite apparent. It's wonderful to play a game made so obviously with love from the creator with enough hooks of things I enjoy to keep me happily playing along. I especially enjoy the interactions with the characters and am looking forward to get into those romances and friendships! Thanks for this fun game!

Hi Frumiousfeminist,

Thank you so much for trying out my game and pointing out these issues. It may take me awhile to test your findings,( as I'm currently going hard for OtomeJam)  but I will definitely investigate and want to make combat information have more clarity in general.  Also I am really glad that you are able to enjoy the game despite the grind.  I am personally a huge fan of side banter in games, (The type of stuff that isn't necessary to the main objectives but feels like the characters 'live' there?) so a lot of the player choice dialogue reveals different pointless tidbits depending on how the companions react, but doesn't require me to write completely different main quest paths. Oh yes and let me know if it at any point becomes too grindy, as I am definitely open to making adjustments.