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That was fun to use!

Some small usability things:

* I had no idea what the tabs on the left-hand side do (select style). Maybe lable them "[nameof] style" instead of "1", "2"… and/or have a style-appropriate icon for each?
* Dunno how hard it is, but it would be great to edit the values directly on the graph rather than having the separate UI on the right
* + - on lists is a bit tricky; the best practice seems to be to have a general +, but have the -/delete on each list entry (since + always add in general to the list, but the - always remove a specific item)

Thanks for trying it out and your feedack!

1. I've added a description for the themes, but you're totally right. Need some kind of indication as to what they are. I'll see how I can improve it.

2. I've considered this, and it won't be too hard. Will definitely think how I can include this in an intuitive way.

3. Thanks for this. I overlooked it but I've realized now that this could one of the biggest QOL improvements to the tool for now. Will work on it next!